holiday hate thread

I wouldn't mind thanksgiving so much if I wasn't spending it with my in-laws who refuse to understand what us "crazy vegetarians" eat. that means that we essentially have to bring our entire meal ourselves, aside from our dish to share. so stupid. they aren't bad people or anything, but they refuse to make any sort of concessions, like even cooking an extra portion of stuffing without turkey juice or whatever.
i totally cook the entire thanksgiving DINNER and i dont even eat it. b/c it's my mom's birthday that week ... so i try to be nice. i just bring my own food. (usually chinese take out). i LOVE LOVE LOVE christmas. even though it's spent in gummo-ville and everything, i like giving people presents so much it doesn't matter. it just rules.
I like spending time with my family and sharing meals and all that, but the presents thing is always way more trouble than it's worth. I'd rather not get anything than a bunch of garbage I'm just gonna throw away.

alex probably wears christmas sweaters. with bells and reindeer on them.
i love giving people presents. my sister always gets me something nice and it's really thoughtful that people get us shit at all since we're such jerks! seriously! we should be glad we don't get thrown out on our ear on christmas for being so bad.
i am picturing alex wearing this sweatshirt my great aunt has that has bears wrapping presents on it, and the ribbons in the picture are ACTUAL ribbons stitched into the sweatshirt, and above it it says "IT'S A WRAP!"

how endearing!