Holland Show!!!!


Apr 2, 2002
Stadskanaal, Holland
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............what can I say , after all these revieuws from the UK shows , they just rocked!!!They played all theire hits from old to new!!!
Great live sound, CB drumming is awesome(bought a signed drumhead with a NOTman sticker on it and Anthrax = Metal written over it), Scott is still dancing and jumping like a maniac like he did in the eighties!!
Bello and Bush workin every inch of the stage and they just entertain!!
Rob rules a leadguitarist!!Some mighty fine groovin goin on!!!

It's nice that they had no barriers at the show, they were just right in youre face, stage diving was allowed, too bad some drunk fuck broke a glas on stage and almost crashed Scott's gear, but they handeled it pretty well.

Scott noticed the shirt I made and even pointed it out to Charlie. I transformed the Russel Athletic logo into a Trax one, "Anthrax Athletic N.Y.C" believe me IT RULES!!

Made a lot of pictures , hope they are any good!!!

I also met fellowmessageboarder DA BASTARD!!!!Horns UP!!!

BTW, what happened to Shaddows Fall, now they had some local bands for support, the only good thing about them is that they covered"Metal Millitia"!!

Peace out and rock on!!!!!!
yeah man you should have come up tot he bradford and bristol shows, fuck man they killed, was close enough to pat joihn on the arm a few times :) plus the whole singing into mic thingw as just too too cool :)

gotta be done next time dude, s#seeing a band like that in titchy venues was the fuckin bollocks !!!!
Hey a very good Anthrax show, maybe not the best one I've seen of them but it came close!
the sound was great!
the band/show was tight as ass
meeting Dutchy and his incredible t-shirt ;-)
took a lot of great pictures
they'll be back this summer (Waldrock and i guess graspop)
The 4-hour (one way) drive to see Anthrax but we had a lot of fun on the dutch roads
the dead of a mate this weekend
Glass instead of plastic beercans. Sometimes i don't understand Dutch people
a few drunken sailors on the waves of the pit and the ground. Luckly we caught some on tape.
No black Dahlia, or Caddilac Rockbox of the new one.
Loved your quote in the top post Dutchy - 'Some mighty fine groovin' going on ........'
BTW, what happened to Shaddows Fall, now they had some local bands for support, the only good thing about them is that they covered"Metal Millitia"!!


i agree Shadows Fall is a very cool band - but don't go knocking support bands ... even the biggest band started out small ... support upcoming bands

supports for the hardenberg show were
Non Divine a cool band from Arnhem www.non-divine.com and
After All from Brugge, Belgium http://listen.to/afterall

After All continued the tour all the way until Switserland by the way

And yes Anthrax fucking kicked some major ass, the supports were also good though

Horns up
I am sooo envious and bit scared from that "few summer festivals in Europe"... FUCK, I want a show in a venue in Prague...
as a belgian, i know lotsa jokes about dutch people ;-)

Anthrax will play:
Oslo Norway - 9th june
Waldrock - Holland 21th june
WWF - Germany 4 or 5 july

So they're in Europe for let's say a month
@delphi,yeah you got me confused
@bastard, don't get me started about the jokes!!

last one I heard was bij Pfaff, how do you get 10 Dutch in car ??throw in a euro!!!

are yoy going to Waldrock??
Pfaffs: by far the best tv-show from last year (yankees: search the dvd on ebay, even if you don't understand it: it rules!)
I bet they're coming to Graspop so i don't think waldrock is on my list!
anthrax_moshing_maniac said:
There do a fair few festivals in europe proally none in the Uk cause the Uk festivals are shit except bloodstock

Don't worry. Our festivals suck monkey ass as well.