Holy shit I am on a roll...

K Odell

Jan 23, 2006
Greensboro, NC
with this generic metalcore thing. I think we may just do a cd for kicks. Check out this second song.


Hope you guys dig. Doing this project is helping me learn more about recording and what not outside of it being fun anyways. So any tips and what not are always welcome. You dewds rock:headbang:

Am I dumb or is myspace not playing anything? I liked the first one and want to hear this one.

edit: i am dumb this is awesome change your name to kyle rocks am i rite?
dude!!!!! great songs, especially angel of death has quite some hitpotential cause of the nice harmonies...wanna see more of that!
how did u record the drums btw?
See Kyle? I told you that this band could be huge. Bummer right?

its cool but...only problem i would have are the main vox - they sound far too wide and open in the mix, it just doesnt sit right with the rest of the recording. i would have added a little more compression and kranked up the bass on the vox to get a more "thump" out of the vocalist's screams