Holy Shit...Never Thought It Would Happen

Gabriel Eyes Genesis

Original frontman says reunion talks are imminent

Will the Lamb lie down on Broadway once more? For years, the former members of Genesis have said that they are ready, willing and able to reform the group at original frontman Peter Gabriel's whim -- and for years Gabriel has adamantly refused. Until now. "The odds [of a Genesis reunion] are better now than before," Gabriel tells Rolling Stone. "We're going to have the conversation." Aside from a one-off concert in 1982, Gabriel has not stood on stage with the classic five-man Genesis lineup since the Lamb Lies Down on Broadway tour ended in May of 1975. Phil Collins, who had played drums since joining the group prior to its third album in 1971, took over as vocalist in 1976 and lifted the British art rockers to stadiums all over the world. Collins quit the group after 1992's We Can't Dance tour to focus on his successful solo career. Remaining members Tony Banks and Mike Rutherford recruited former Stiltskin vocalist Ray Wilson for the 1997 release Calling All Stations, which fared so poorly that Genesis were forced to cancel a tour of American theaters. The group quietly folded in 1998.
Since then, a large cult of fans (particularly of the Gabriel era) have kept the Genesis flame alive. Phil Collins played with Genesis tribute band the Musical Box -- who recreate the Gabriel era with frightening precision -- when they visited his hometown of Geneva, Switzerland recently. Earlier this week, Collins reaffirmed his desire to drum again for the real thing during a Tel Aviv press conference. Last month, guitarist Steve Hackett told the Chicago Sun-Times that he received a phone call from Genesis management. "There's a movement to put us all together again," he said. "I do think it will happen."
Notorious perfectionist Gabriel warns that any reunion concert would require serious preparation time. "When we got back together in 1982, I don't think we rehearsed," he says. "To really do it properly, we'd have to take more time. It's quite a commitment."
When pushed to definitely say if the group is reuniting, Gabriel remains coy: "I wouldn't put money on it . . . yet."
I still think it's less than certainty at this point, especially since Gabriel just announced plans for his next solo album, but this is the first time he's referred to Genesis as anything but the distant past in god knows how long, so that makes the odds much more likely, as long as Phil's evil urges can be kept in check. :) And of course if they tour I'll be there.