Home from tour

Chuck should post more. I know he's busy, but when he does post on here, he should actually reply in some of the topics.
Chuck Billy said:
The reunion tour went great! It was everything I hoped it would be and more. They were 10 great shows. We filmed the first 2 shows at the Effenar and Dynamo both in Holland. They will be released on dvd in the future. The Dynamo was off the hook. Anthrax kicked ass. It braught back many great memories. I know the rest of the band felt the same.We filmed the show at Kokos in London in high definition and it was recorded in 5.1 suround sound. This will hopefully be ready for a September release. This is a show that was definatly meant to be filmed, the crowd was amazing and the venue was the perfect location. This place had the right vibe .Every show got better and better. The more we played together the more familiar it became. Just like old times. Everybody was great and Louie really stepped up and kicked ass. I couldn't be prouder.

So if you get a chance to see us we are playing the 3 U.S. dates for now in Virginia and Pensylvania.

Were hoping to do more shows in the future. Trust me I would be in to it.

Hey Chuck,

I was one of the cameraman in Holland!
You also kicked ass there....

Would love to get a copy of 'my' tapes in case you don't release (parts of) those two shows. :worship: Contact Anthrax for the part where Joey asked you to sing with him on stage.... That would also be a nice bonus... :Spin:

Hope to be able to videotape some of your future gigs.

Enjoy :wave:

John - The Videoman - Van Gorp