Home Studio Software

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
I was just wondering what is the best home studio computer software? I'm thinking ease of use, price, and quality will determine what I buy. I'm pretty computer savvy, but I know shit about production. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
thrashmetal78 said:
I was just wondering what is the best home studio computer software? I'm thinking ease of use, price, and quality will determine what I buy. I'm pretty computer savvy, but I know shit about production. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Sonar on PC.

Logic Audio on Mac.
hydrogrind said:

Nice piece of software, but Logic can work with any hardware, including the Pro Tools 888.

Nuendo can't.

Sonar have been cloned from Pro Tools, which in my opinion is the best user friendly and powerful audio sequencer (its midi part is quite awful).

Another thing, metal is so fucking prevalent here in Italy. In the states, you have to go underground to find the music we listen to. Here, it's EVERYWHERE!!! There are NO nu-metal heads in Italy, at least I haven't found any. Everyone likes death/black/doom/thrash around here...I never wanna leave, LOL!

Now Playing: Cryptopsy "Crown of Horns"
thrashmetal78 said:

Another thing, metal is so fucking prevalent here in Italy. In the states, you have to go underground to find the music we listen to. Here, it's EVERYWHERE!!! There are NO nu-metal heads in Italy, at least I haven't found any. Everyone likes death/black/doom/thrash around here...I never wanna leave, LOL!

Now Playing: Cryptopsy "Crown of Horns"

Im probably going to be spending a semester in Germany, and i have a feeling ill feel the same way, just because europeans have so many great metal bands, here in the states whe have Deicide and Nile (who both rule, so i cant complain), but that is pretty much it. Its such a pain in the ass to try and find cds here in the states, im about ready to give up entirely and just hang myself.