
Overpopulation is a massive crock of shit, to be frank. I will agree that earth's resources are being wasted at an extreme pace.

The focus of the individual (and in turn, society) should be the creating a successful family nucleus, strengthening society and embettering the world by default. We would not need program after program, charity after charity, if people took individual responsibility for making the world a better place.

This sex centered society we have now is basically societal devolution, rendering us closer to the animals we supposedly came from, not to mention being selfish and destructive as hell (destructive as in production lost in worthless sexual pursuit, disease spread, unwanted pregnancies which turn into more deaths or maladjusted adults in the next generation). Homosexuality is not the only culprit in this downward spiral, merely another type of wanton destructive selfish sex-centeredness in this devolving society.
Do any of the above actions have to do with the reproduction of the species? No. Also, not to change the topic, but pastuerization is bad, and so are antibiotics (outside of life and death use, which is rarely the case).

Antibiotics are overprescribed, that is true. But its not always easy to determine when it is best to perscribe them. In many cases doctors prescribe just in case there is an infection or just in case an infection might crop up after a procedure, i.e. as a safety precaution. Thus it is a sad reality that antibiotics are overprescribed but until we come up with a better of getting rid of unwanted pathogens its one we have to live with.
Pasteurization however is not bad... unless you want to risk drinking Tuberculosis and other pathogens.

As far as your last post... I disagree that having a family nucleus is the only way to improve or better society. There have been scores of people throughout history who did not reproduce or marry and have benefited society and mankind in general... both in small ways and in large ones. Beethoven anyone?! Furthermore I do not see how Homosexuality= wanton selfishness and destructivness. Really that kind of a generalization is about as realistic as thinking all black people must be gangbangers and crackheads on welfare.
Oh, and overpopulation is not a massive crock of shit. Its simple logic that the more people there are the resources are going to be used.
Pasteurization however is not bad... unless you want to risk drinking Tuberculosis and other pathogens.

Don't get your milk from bad sources then. Pastuerization kills all the good bacteria in milk. All pastuerization does is allow bad milk to be sellable.

As far as your last post... I disagree that having a family nucleus is the only way to improve or better society. There have been scores of people throughout history who did not reproduce or marry and have benefited society and mankind in general... both in small ways and in large ones. Beethoven anyone?! Furthermore I do not see how Homosexuality= wanton selfishness and destructivness. Really that kind of a generalization is about as realistic as thinking all black people must be gangbangers and crackheads on welfare.
Oh, and overpopulation is not a massive crock of shit. Its simple logic that the more people there are the resources are going to be used.

I am not generalizing homosexuality, I am generalizing "sexual liberation", of which homosexuality is just a facet.

Overpopulation is a crock of shit as in we are not currently even remotely close to actual overpopulation, despite what population alarmists claim. If you and I both want a soda, and there are 6 sodas, and I drink 3, put 1 out of reach and pour the other 2 out, this doesn't mean there aren't enough sodas to go around.
Even if the world did theoretically become overpopulated, people would just die off due to lack of shelter, food, access to healthcare etc. Survival of the fittest would mean that the gene-pool would actually be improved. This process would continue until the population had reached an equilibrium with the amount of resources remaining.

Of course all those people dying wouldn't be a good thing, so let's hope that it never happens.
Back to the original question..

The etymology of the word 'Homophobia' was first used in the late sixties to early seventies. Derived from the words homosexual, in reference to a gay male, and phobia, an irrational fear. It was actually used to describe a heterosexual man's fear of being perceived as gay, although I do believe now it is more commonly used to describe a negative attitude or fear towards those in same sex relationships.
However homosexuality is hardly a threat to continuance of the human species. At this point frankly we should be reproducing far far less than we are.

the existence of homosexuality is a population control mechanism, in a world without GLBTs breeding through artificial insemination, homosexuality prevents population from growing too fast
I dunno where this stems from but I think individuals have the option to choose what they want to be. As long as they pose no peril to society, I'm fine with homosexuals.
Homophobia is today one of the usefull tools used by the facist around the world (calling themselves the christian right and what not) to alienate, disrupt, alarm and terrorise to end secularism, democracy and enlightenment.
Hell, man. If two people love each other and it's consensual, i don't give a fuck if they're straight, gay, bisexual, transgender or whatever. Why should anyone judge who other people can and cannot love? it's fucked up and retarded to do that shit.
Hell, man. If two people love each other and it's consensual, i don't give a fuck if they're straight, gay, bisexual, transgender or whatever. Why should anyone judge who other people can and cannot love? it's fucked up and retarded to do that shit.

this^^ was exactly my point

watch the video people, watch the video
The opinion around this topic is determined by this fact: if you're a religious person, of if you're under the commandements that society gives to you, then you dislike homosexual manifestations and/or heomosexual people. If you ignore these rules, and you think on your own, probably you don't care about what other people do with their life, their feelings and their sex.
I don't care about other sexual behaviour or tendencies, I'm a hetero, but I want everybody to be happy and confortable with their feelings and their sexual life. I think nobody should take part in such personal matters, because homosexual people don't hurt anybody by loving themselves or having sex with each other. I think every people in this world should live on their own and let other people do the same too.