
public displays of affection are embarrassing no matter who is involved. However homosexuality is unnatural and i will never be one of the people to encourage it. I am not basing that on religious grounds either, i am an athiest and respect the laws of nature.

what a strange way to make a first post.
The "unnatural" argument simply isn't valid. People who believe this should do some research instead of relying on popular, ignorant perceptions that many share.

And if "natural" is what people value so much, perhaps we should do away with all man-made things in this world. We can live like the other animals, naked outside and without our precious technology. I mean, homosexuality would still be there but at least we could all live naturally, right?
The "unnatural" argument simply isn't valid. People who believe this should do some research instead of relying popular, ignorant perceptions that many share.

from what i've seen, this whole "homosexuality is unnatural" thing usually seems to come out of the mouths of the Bible Thumpers that are insisting "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve", for the most part, in my interactions with people, the hetero athiests don't seem to have a problem with the GLBT community
Yes, religion seems to be the origin of a lot of hatred and ignorance towards homosexuals. Unfortunately this mentality has continued on but it seems that many people (not just bible thumpers) attempt to use this as a supporting argument to justify their unfair prejudice against homosexuals.
It's not a religious bias to point out homosexuals can't naturally reproduce, it's merely stating a fact.

By that logic then heterosexual couples who can't reproduce shouldn't be having sex either. In fact there should be no contraception, no oral sex... only vaginal intercourse with intent to reproduce.
Well homophobia is just like racism, typical fucking human idiocy and ignorance. I forget who it was but I read a while back that someone had said how they thought concepts like "gay" or "straight" are restrictive, and there is only human sexuality so why should it matter. Or something....perceptive genius either way.
By that logic then heterosexual couples who can't reproduce shouldn't be having sex either. In fact there should be no contraception, no oral sex... only vaginal intercourse with intent to reproduce.

I actually do take personal issue with heterosexual couples that live in any way, that whether through choice or just pure irresponsibility, is non-conduscive to having/properly raising children. So at least I am consistent ;)
I actually do take personal issue with heterosexual couples that live in any way, that whether through choice or just pure irresponsibility, is non-conduscive to having/properly raising children. So at least I am consistent ;)

OK but my point was what if they are UNABLE to procreate... i.e. something is physically wrong with their reproduction organs so they cannot have children. Using the logic that you mentioned earlier they should just break up and the person who can reproduce should find someone else and the other person is stuck being celibate forever.
I know it's mind blowing for most people in western society now, but there is the belief that intercourse is not the be-all end-all of personal fulfillment and happiness.
My homophobia has a pretty strong foundation.

I must have been around 13-14 years old, and we had this new subsistute math teacher who was most obviously gay (feminine voice, feminine face, feminine walk etc etc).

So there was this one particularly annoying math lesson when I didn't get anything done. So I startet talking to some friends. At the end of the lesson the fag teacher asks me to stay for a second. He grabs my keychain (which was hanging in a cord around my neck) and pulls me closer to his face, and says, with the most gay voice you can ever imagine in your head "Dan, you are not allowed to talk during class. Do you understand?"

Since that day I strongly dislike and avoid queer folks. Shit like that leave scars for life.
^ Given the amount of idiotic, homophobic posts in this thread, I really can't tell if you're serious or if you're just trolling. That's probably as "strong" a foundation as I've seen for homophobia. In other words, just as ridiculous.
I know it's mind blowing for most people in western society now, but there is the belief that intercourse is not the be-all end-all of personal fulfillment and happiness.

we're not arguing that. so some straight couple that's been married for years and love each other can't have kids. by your logic they shouldn't be together.
you know there are plenty of things that are unnatural that we humans do...
1. antiobiotics... unnatural as can be... heck if we really want to follow the course of nature we should just let ourselves die from infections.
2. airplanes... well if God... oops, i mean the intelligent designer, errr... i mean Nature that has nothing to do with darwinist atheism had intended for us to fly we'd have wings... everytime you go to fly to another state its fucking blasphemy.
3. pasteurized milk... hey maybe nature has all of the TB in milk for a reason? better leave it there... its unnatural to go against nature.
the list is endless...
we're your fingers DESIGNED to type on a keyboard on the internet? nope. must be immoral then.
hey do you shave or get haircuts? well thats unnatural too. if you really want to follow nature and hence God's will...you should never cut your hair or nails or shave.
we're not arguing that. so some straight couple that's been married for years and love each other can't have kids. by your logic they shouldn't be together.
you know there are plenty of things that are unnatural that we humans do...
1. antiobiotics... unnatural as can be... heck if we really want to follow the course of nature we should just let ourselves die from infections.
2. airplanes... well if God... oops, i mean the intelligent designer, errr... i mean Nature that has nothing to do with darwinist atheism had intended for us to fly we'd have wings... everytime you go to fly to another state its fucking blasphemy.
3. pasteurized milk... hey maybe nature has all of the TB in milk for a reason? better leave it there... its unnatural to go against nature.
the list is endless...
we're your fingers DESIGNED to type on a keyboard on the internet? nope. must be immoral then.
hey do you shave or get haircuts? well thats unnatural too. if you really want to follow nature and hence God's will...you should never cut your hair or nails or shave.

Do any of the above actions have to do with the reproduction of the species? No. Also, not to change the topic, but pastuerization is bad, and so are antibiotics (outside of life and death use, which is rarely the case).
Do any of the above actions have to do with the reproduction of the species? No. Also, not to change the topic, but pastuerization is bad, and so are antibiotics (outside of life and death use, which is rarely the case).

No, that's true it doesn't. However homosexuality is hardly a threat to continuance of the human species. At this point frankly we should be reproducing far far less than we are.