
at the end of all that... phew.... homophobe is still a bogus word that carries only one intention, that of many other bigoted words such as queer, faggot, niger, spic.
I am suggesting a linguistic difference. If I declare "it’s a nice day," I'm taking a public stand upon myself as one-who-is-enjoying-the-weather, at once naming and disclosing/describing my being-before-the-elements. The ‘truth’ of the nice day is neither essentialist nor relative, but a potentiality for coming-to-be in different worlds of cultural meaning. (We are always bound to our cultural world but this binding becomes tenuous on the few occasions when we adopt a purely theoretical/Cartesian subjectivity and – for example – describe a ‘nice’ day by noting the geometric shape and position of the clouds, the angle of the sun and the particular hue of the surrounding colours.)

A heterosexual act, by contrast, ought not to involve a public stand as a heterosexual subject because sexualities do not meaningfully exist as cultural subjective identities but are constructed by social performativity in such a way that they only exist in their performance. Linguistically, homosexuality performs itself in its utterance, in the same way that answering “I do” at a marriage ceremony performs an act of marriage but unlike marriage it does not reveal a subject because sexualities are empty of subjective content. They are acts not identities.

How does homosexuality perform itself in it's utterance?
So basically what some of you people think is that gays shouldn't be allowed to do what straights do in public because some people find it repulsive? That's complete bullshit. It's like saying "You can't play anti-christian death metal in public because we find it repulsive". Complete bullshit.
Any lifestyle can be judged on it's ability to successfully duplicate itself in a positive way. The homosexual lifestyle cannot naturally duplicate itself at all, so whether or not would be positive doesn't even enter into the arguement.
yeah, if I dont like your crap music and you impose it on me by way of intrusion into my space, I'll walk over and shut it off. If your being loud and obnoxious, you'll get attention. If your being violent or doing something out of line, you'll get attention. If your into being an attention whore fag you'll get attention. These things are all common knowledge so the key lies in everybodys hand. Dont start something and decide you got your feelings hurt by the end results, thats like the ultimate "uh duh".... shit even animals know and understand these fundamental principles, humans seem to have the hardest time with them.
where ever I breath is my space, show respect and consideration, get respect and consideration, be a dumb ass and meet a dumb ass whatever the situation calls for.
Razordege has proven over the THE COURSE OF THIS THREAD that he is a complete idiot whose beliefs are continuously based out of sheer ignorace and a lack of understanding of anyone else's life, other than his own. I have no idea why concerns himself with the lives of homosexuals or transgendered community by participating in such threads when they have very little impact on his life, if any.

I thought that was quite a funny post first time I read it, its still amusing

"its not nice to offer any resistance, any non compliance with the statis quo of a bleeding heart liberal mind" (or a childs small scope)

forget the fact that all it has been is excplaining how and why such issues come to be

"oh, but thats not fair, I think I'll have a tantrum"

get over it, thats life
I wouldn't want to see a straight couple make out in public either but I have to admit, it would be less off-putting to me than seeing a gay couple making out. I think it has to do with the fact that I'm straight and seeing something I'd prefer not to ever have to engage in that makes it more bothersome. I could say the same about seeing a porno, even with straight people, that grosses me out and I have no interest in being a part of. I have a few gay friends and am not put off by their presence and/or mannerisms so I'd hardly consider myself homophobic.
I wouldn't want to see a straight couple make out in public either but I have to admit, it would be less off-putting to me than seeing a gay couple making out. I think it has to do with the fact that I'm straight and seeing something I'd prefer not to ever have to engage in that makes it more bothersome. I could say the same about seeing a porno, even with straight people, that grosses me out and I have no interest in being a part of. I have a few gay friends and am not put off by their presence and/or mannerisms so I'd hardly consider myself homophobic.

This is all because you are a normally thinking straight person and so many just dont get that. You are right about even watching straight couples get carried away. This is where sayings like "get a room" or "too much infomation" came from. But one thing going for striaght couples is they have nothing to prove to anyone so its rare to see this. Its perfectly normal to desire not to watch or be exposed to any "loud" behavior.