

Let me die in solitude...
May 30, 2001
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How do you guys feel about the undercurrent (and often openly expressed) of resentment towards homosexuals that is often a part of metal (esp BM and brutal death)? I personally hate it. I have many friends who are gay, one being an even bigger metalhead than me. Why hate someone over something can;t help? And bands like COrpse Vomit who condone violence towards homosexuals...what's with that?
Well me personally I don't care if someone is gay(happy?) or not cause I mean it's there choice just like I'm not going to pull a cigarette out of someone's mouth it's not my problem and let each man/woman choose what they want to do.

I think it is really narrow minded that people are still acting that way about people being differnt, in one way or another, I mean last I remember it was cool to be differnt everyone's striving to be their own personallity. But for some stupid reason it's not alright to be gay? that doesn't make any sence to me. Ohh well I've talked my 2 cents in I hope you enjoyed it if not who cares
i don't know, i don't like gay people if they behave like they think they should behave because of being gay. you know, dressing up real strange, using a more female voice and so on. but i can get out of their way if i feel annoyed. no need to hate them and express it in lyrics or something like that.
but metal often is offensive to special groups, religions and so on. that's the way it always has been. no need to approve, though...
Originally posted by VultureCulture
i don't know, i don't like gay people if they behave like they think they should behave because of being gay.

That, to me would suggest they are very shallow, and I probably wouldn't get on with them, as long as they were putting it on solely for image, not just because they are just like that naturaly (fuck, brain block, I'm sure that is spelt wrong but i I don't know y).

But homophobia does really annoy me...
Possibly, but just because people choose to conform to a stereotype doesn't mean you have to dislike them for it. 'I hate stereotypicaly gay people' isn't all that different from 'I hate gay people.'
Originally posted by Russ L
Possibly, but just because people choose to conform to a stereotype doesn't mean you have to dislike them for it. 'I hate stereotypicaly gay people' isn't all that different from 'I hate gay people.'


to me would suggest they are very shallow, and I probably wouldn't get on with them

There's a difference. I wouldn't hold it against them, that would just be on first impressions, I would get to know them before saying I didn't like them

And the same applies to any image obsessed person, not just gay ones

Edit: I also said only if they were putting it on to be steroetypically gay, if they were really like that then it wouldn't bother me
well, i didn't say i like them. that's because i simply can't understand them, as much as many of you wouldn't understand a britney-listener. it's just worlds apart from what i think and feel. i must confess that i don't try much to improve my thoughts...
but hey, not liking and hating people is quite a difference.
Originally posted by VultureCulture
well, i didn't say i like them. that's because i simply can't understand them, as much as many of you wouldn't understand a britney-listener.

*Bangs head against wall*

it's just worlds apart from what i think and feel. i must confess that i don't try much to improve my thoughts...
but hey, not liking and hating people is quite a difference.

That's not the point. It's not a valid ground on which to judge someone at all.
i know what you mean. i don't want to judge someone, it's just their way of life which i cannot understand - do i have to understand everything and do i have to love anyone? of course these people are all nice gentlemen.
but don't tell me you ain't got groups of people you don't like for any reason
Godisanatheist: Yeah...I read his and then (in my rush to reply) only skimmed through yours, and at a quick glance it just looked like you were backing him up. Sorry.
I don't like when music is used as a forum to attack other people.

The only thing I don't like about gays is they spend too much time telling me how gay they are - parades (wassup wit dat?), etc.
Originally posted by VultureCulture
i know what you mean. i don't want to judge someone, it's just their way of life which i cannot understand - do i have to understand everything and do i have to love anyone? of course these people are all nice gentlemen.
but don't tell me you ain't got groups of people you don't like for any reason

I try not to. If I find myself doing it, I try to analyse why.

Except for Robert Kilroy Silk. I hate that arsehole.
Originally posted by metalmancpa
I don't like when music is used as a forum to attack other people.

The only thing I don't like about gays is they spend too much time telling me how gay they are - parades (wassup wit dat?), etc.

Self-Affirmation in the face of adversity is perfectly understandable, even if not (neccessarily) always the best way to reduce prejudice.
Originally posted by Russ L

Self-Affirmation in the face of adversity is perfectly understandable, even if not (neccessarily) always the best way to reduce prejudice.

Agreed, but the more you hold yourself out, and try to "convince" the masses that it's OK to be gay, you are just feeding more hatred, and bringing attention to yourself. I've always believed in the "blend in" theory. Just do what you do, and slide through life. I think it's more important to exist everyday than to be gay while doing it.

And let's not get into an arguement on how gays are discriminated against - I know they are, and that's wrong.

In my feeble mind, I'll never consider it OK to be gay - I don't see that sexual practice as a "normal" thing. But, I don't hate the person, I just don't like the act.
well, i hope i made my point at least understandable, so now let's all
... :devil:
Originally posted by metalmancpa

Agreed, but the more you hold yourself out, and try to "convince" the masses that it's OK to be gay, you are just feeding more hatred, and bringing attention to yourself.

That's why I said it's not always neccessarily the best way to go about things. However, having said that...

I've always believed in the "blend in" theory. Just do what you do, and slide through life. I think it's more important to exist everyday than to be gay while doing it.

...why should anyone have to alter themselves or their lifestyle to appease the bigotry of others? You can say 'That's life,' but you sure as hell can't tell me it's right.

And let's not get into an arguement on how gays are discriminated against - I know they are, and that's wrong.

I'm glad.

In my feeble mind, I'll never consider it OK to be gay - I don't see that sexual practice as a "normal" thing. But, I don't hate the person, I just don't like the act.

Hmm...I can't see what's meant to be 'unnatural' about it myself.

It would be handy if we had someone who actualy was gay (anyone?) to give their opinion your last statement.