
Without question, Rust in Peace is just as good as (most would say better than) Countdown, I just personally enjoy Countdown more.

And there can be no debate about the lineup. Dave-David-Marty-Nick is the classic, and best Megadeth has ever sounded.
theres two more CDs I need to get, I havent heared RIP in a long time and my Countdown tape just isnt worth listening to anymore and honestly its one of my favorite all the way around. I've had it in my hands a few times and put it back in favor of getting something I didnt already have. I play The System has Failed from time to time, its got a few songs I like alot but Im unsure of the production, seems a bit muddy compared to whatever CD I just played before it.
RIP...one of the greatest metal albums period! Peace Sells comes in second followed by Countdown. The rest of the catalog gets rather old and boring quite fast...I like the System Has Failed quite a bit...United Abominations has a few stand out tunes and mucho boring filler.
yea but Daves done good considering how long hes been at it. Few ever get back up to the level of their younger "best" recordings. I like his in your face political and social jabs as well a his understanding of being a bit twisted. "hello me, its me". I just wish it didnt seem that in reality hes a bit of a little bitch with the drama thing going on. Correct me if Im wrong, I have only caught a few quotes here and there and may have the wrong impression, but it doesnt seem he lives up to his musical expression.
Oh, Dave is something else for sure. And i don't expect another RIP or even another Cryptic Writings (yeah, my expectations are that low these days), i just feel like he's making bad metal, not just bad metal for megadeth. Plus i completely disagree with his politics and the way he goes about his business... luckily i don't have to agree ;)
Just remember...Dave was talking about the corrupt UN way back in 86', and talking about preaching terrorists on RIP before the Gulf War. Is he, or was he the first, no probably not. But, in overall view of things in the metal world, he was accurate on a lot of his lyrical rants/sarcasms.
I applaud his consistancy. I just get tired of politics in music. Back in the 80's and early 90's his politics were in good music, which is mainly what i care about.

To make the point, if symphony x made politically charged lyrics for King of Terrors, it wouldn't phase me because it's a good-ass song. If their songwriting declined and they wrote a political song, i would not be for it.

Also, i know everyone has heard stories about the man and the ones i've heard rub me the wrong way, and so far as i can tell they are accurate. This doesn't take away from the fact that this is the dude who wrote some of the best albums in metal hands down. Not even Risk could destroy his legacy, nor could his asshole comments here and there. I just prefer the stoner burnout outspoken 80's Mustaine.
Man... to me shaking it in the face of social/political stupidity is what metals all about. But maybe thats because Im a radical, non conforming, mal content... . I like fun music too though.

Ramses, I'd have to think about that question awhile. I know theres been lots of other bands in all genres that have been poking for decades. Crack the Sky had a song Nuclear Apathy that was about the stupidity of the "arms race", another song "Animal Skins" that took a poke at both the Church and "puppet masters". "We Want Mine" self explainatory by the lyrics "We dont want your money... we want mine". Nuclear Apathy was a great pre metal hard hitter, maybe not, it was recorded in '77/'78, excellent song IMO.

edit: and I agree Zach "This doesn't take away from the fact" just a little bit maybe, but not enough.
Man... to me shaking it in the face of social/political stupidity is what metals all about. But maybe thats because Im a radical, non conforming, mal content... . I like fun music too though.
You know, i should backpeddle a bit... it really depends on the mood you catch me in. A lot of the stuff i really dig on the heavier side of metal is thrash. Almost as a rule, thrash is about politics, government flaws and wars it creates, etc. etc. Kreator, Destruction, Megadeth... all political bands in a sense. I guess with megadeth my irritation comes from the fact that he's so specific about what he's singing about bringing actual politics into it wheras a lot of other bands seem to take the route of "look, if we continue on this route, our society and humanity as a whole is fucked. we'll destroy ourselves" kind of mentality. It's a bit more vague and to me that's the line. I can't fault Dave for standing by his opinions though. At least he has the balls to say what's on his mind, no matter how much of a dick he comes off as :lol:
I shouldnt really say anyhow, Im not much on examining lyrics or even paying alot of attention word for word while listening. I just catch bits and pieces but in the end I probably rarely really know exactly the message or all the words in the lyrics. I get absorbed in the riffs and groove and sometimes miss alot of the rest unless it really stands out.
Regardless of his political/social messages in the lyrics, I still think Mustaine's music as of late is more engaging than half of Cryptic Writings until now.

I definitely don't always agree with him, and politics in music get real old, real quick...but Mustaine makes it work.

Although, I will agree with Zach, that Mustaine's specific certainty on every one of his topics makes the lyrics harder to get into. He is slowly becoming more of a politician and less of a musician in that regard.