Really? I personally feel SFSGSW has two absolutely CLASSIC 'Deth songs (being "In My Darkest Hour" and "Hook in Mouth"), but I find the album to be very lackluster. I think it has to do with Jeff Young. Silly Jeff Young.
Amen to that!Rust In Peace? Hands sown my fave Megadeth.....Best lineup he's ever had too....
You know, i should backpeddle a bit... it really depends on the mood you catch me in. A lot of the stuff i really dig on the heavier side of metal is thrash. Almost as a rule, thrash is about politics, government flaws and wars it creates, etc. etc. Kreator, Destruction, Megadeth... all political bands in a sense. I guess with megadeth my irritation comes from the fact that he's so specific about what he's singing about bringing actual politics into it wheras a lot of other bands seem to take the route of "look, if we continue on this route, our society and humanity as a whole is fucked. we'll destroy ourselves" kind of mentality. It's a bit more vague and to me that's the line. I can't fault Dave for standing by his opinions though. At least he has the balls to say what's on his mind, no matter how much of a dick he comes off asMan... to me shaking it in the face of social/political stupidity is what metals all about. But maybe thats because Im a radical, non conforming, mal content... . I like fun music too though.
You think System has less filler than UA? If anything they are equal in that regard.