Horgh = new drummer of Hypocrisy

Peter would not of chosen Horgh, unless he fitted in with the plans so to speak. As we all know Hypocrisy has been carefully moulded into shape by Peter-almost with a business direction (to grow hard strong fast). The wrong drummer would kill it for them!!!

Anyone else smell burning flesh?????

Don't worry, its just my cat, it tripped into the toaster, huh.
i dont think that horgh will put his blackmetal-drumming-style into hypocrisysongs!
peter t. has written them and i think he says how to play witch part!
but perhaps the next album will contain a few more "grimfist-like" songs!?
the grimfist album is excellent work!
If Lars was tired of touring in the band and wanted to step down, then I'm glad he did. If one is not happy with the way things are going, one should change it, regardless of if the fans are sad. He was a great drummer for the band, but life changes things and sometimes people find something more important, especially if one has kids.

As far as Horgh goes, if Peter really needed to get another drummer, this was his best choice I think. Especially considering the many times Horgh has played/toured with Peter, especially in Pain, and they get along very well. Pain has no blast beats whatsoever, so I don't see that being a problem with the Hyopcrisy tunes. Also, Horgh went into Immortal with no black metal-playing background... he played traditional heavy metal. He is quite versatile. If you listen to his newer band, Grimfist, you will hear the same thing. Some blast beats, some old-school metal drumming. But if Peter wants to try putting a few blastbeats in the Hypocrisy tunes, I guess we'll see next month what that ends up sounding like.

surprising news for me. But alright. It's just interesting that it is Lars who quits because of the neverending schedule of the band.

Remember some year's ago, when Peter wanted to quit it all, or just two years ago when Peter was tired of playing live? It's heavy - they do two American tours with a break of just two weeks or so. But Hypocrisy have always been a live-band so decisions made are alrigth.
Horgh is great of course.

I just wondered if Peter and Lars would team up as producers again, like they did on Children Of Bodom's "Follow The Reaper" & "Catch 22"
But than I realsized that Peter closed down his Abyss Studio except for own projects and friends...friends like Immortal. Due to the pity that Immortal split up recently - will there ever be any productions of Peter for other bands in the future?

Of course there will be PAIN and Hypocrisy recordings and Tommy will go on producing, too. But when will we read a "Produced by Peter Tägtgren at The Abyss" again?
I think, if someone can replace Lars, then its Horgh. A few years ago (at Blizzard Beasts) i thought he is not a good drummer. But he developed very very well with every Immortal Album and now he is one of the best scandinavian drummers (right after Frost, Trym und Hellhammer)... He proved with Grimfist, Immortal and Pain (Live) that he is a very good drummer and he is the only worthy Replacement for Lars, cause he is very close to Peter and not just like an payed Session drummer... thats important for the Chemistry live on Stage an for the Sound of the next Album... Also, I would like to welcome Andreas as a full Member of Hypocrisy!! Can't wait to see you guys Live in Germany... just 9 Weeks to go!!