Horror fans...

20! Ive never seen any of the films you mentioned in any of the questions! :lol:
Originally posted by Blitzkrieg
80 - I rule! :D

I think Tonci may be right... hahaha wasn't it you that said you'd never seen any of those old horror films?? Maybe it was Sydo, I dunno lol. Maybe both haha.

:lol: :headbang:
Actually, no, I did it all properly! Sure, I guessed a couple (maybe 4?) but I didn't find it too hard. I haven't seen many of those films, but thats only coz I can't find em locally to hire. Doesn't mean I haven't read up on them and stuff. :)

Oh, and you pick up a few things about horror and glam having had Trent on the BB since the beginning. :D