I bought something called Tiger Sauce yesterday, I don't even know what it is but the bottle said "TRY ME" so I will.

haha every grocery store round here has that exact bottle too. let me know.

also my chiles are doing good. i've saved one of each kind, so i have the 6 strongest plants growing in larger pots on a windowsill now. growing slow but steady. still snowy and cold outside.
Hey Erik I tried the Tiger Sauce. It was basically heat + salt + Hawai'ian BBQ somewhat mixed together. Not very exciting, but I think it also had nicotine in there because I downed the whole fuckin' bottle in like 4 days. Odd combination of "meh" + "GIMME MORE" all at once.

Brother Bru Bru's Chipotle sauce was really fuckin' awesome, I'll get more of that. He is Mr. Tambourine Man apparently.

Picked up a habanero sauce from Trader Joe's recently, from South Africa apparently. Really god damn good, right at the limit of where I prefer my heat. Been poopin' multiple times since then, good times!

Recent mathematical discovery made a few nights ago:

Cholula Chipotle + quinoa = OMFG

The proof is in the awesome.
thanks bro, good to know.

i fucking LOVE the ass kickin' wasabi sauce i posted earlier itt. i just had it on a burger and it's the most amazing fucking thing.

Picked up a habanero sauce from Trader Joe's recently, from South Africa apparently.
is it this brand?

a south african sauce:

weak... pretty tasty, nice fruit and ginger flavours going on, good with meat, but weak as hell, and no real smoke flavour either, despite the name

gonna try their habanero whatever and see if that kicks it up a few notches
Not sure of the brand, it's been labeled as Trader Joe's brand but I think they do that to pretty much everything. Pretty bright yellow, very much habanero. I really enjoy the hell out of habanero stuff. Not every day, but it's usually well heated but not stupidly so. Hot but with loads of flavour.

Everything Ass Kickin' turns to gold. Their salsas are just as amazing as their hot sauce. I can't find it too often out here though, sucks. Oh gee, I can buy it online direct from them, WTF is wrong with me?!

I can't eat stuff that has the chili extract. Well, I can, but I really don't enjoy it. I've tried a few different kinds that have capsaicin extract, and it's just too much heat for my pussytongue. I had to recently chuck a bottle of After Death sauce because even after 2 years I had just barely cleared the neck. Sure two drops in a bowl of lentils makes it pretty damn heated, but I'd rather enjoy the taste of such things, with a nice kick for good measure. I'd rather not physically harm my taste buds.

Several months ago I ate one of the crazy green Thai chilis (not the mellow ones, the tiny ones that are green or red), man that shit was harsh. It had a heat that just kept building and building, after 10 minutes it was still increasing. I mean okay, that was fun, but I don't think I'd do it a second time. Except I did it again a few months later, whoops. Well either way, still not as dumb as chili extract. Might as well put a soldering iron in my mouth instead of pure capsaicin, same god damn effect.

Oh yeah since I got a ShartPhone now I'm also considering buying a bottle of sriracha. I'm just trying to fit into today's world, don't want to make any waves, etc.
Not sure of the brand, it's been labeled as Trader Joe's brand but I think they do that to pretty much everything. Pretty bright yellow, very much habanero.
seeing as it's from south africa i think it's likely to be a re-brand of this sauce if the colour and texture match:


I can't eat stuff that has the chili extract. Well, I can, but I really don't enjoy it.

this video

it's drawn out as hell but funny if you like to see people suffer for their stupidity. fast forward to about 4:30 to see the actual action
Wow I'm pretty awesome at scrolling up and seeing pictures.

Yeah, that's the stuff I was talking about. Shit is pretty good.
LOL @ that video

Well good thing nobody is ever forced to endure anything remotely close to that kind of punishment.

HOLY FUCKING SHIT! This may be the best damn hot sauce I have ever had. Picked it up in Nowhere, Maine and kicking myself for only getting one bottle and not everything else associated with this brand.It's made out of some texmex restaurant in Bumfuck, Maine.


Deer Camp Big Bore XXX Hot Sauce

A hot sauce that bites back! While our award winning Big Bore XXX hot sauce is not for the faint of heart, it is for those who love bold, balanced flavors. Made with Red Habanero peppers, carrot, apple cider vinegar, fresh lime juice for zing and sweetened by agave nectar. This may be the most addictive condiment you may ever try.
Red Habaneros, Carrots, Cider Vinegar, Onion, Lime Juice, Agave Nectar, Garlic, Corriander, Salt

I added a lil bit of red bell pepper too...however, I think I had Scotch Bonnet Peppers instead of Habs which is fine by me cuz I love em. It came out fantastic!!! A lil too hot maybe (I put too many peppers in it)....but the flavor is amazing! Not quite on par with the Deer Camp, but still some of the best shit I've had...and I made it! Carrots/Habs really complement each other well.
so what kind of preparation are we lookin at here, did you just mix everything in a big bowl, let it rest for a while and strain it or what?
I cooked the carrots, onions, garlic, corriander in a pan for a while....carrots take forever to get soft. Occasionally adding cider vinegar and water so it wouldnt burn. Meanwhile, I chopped up 10 habaneros (scotch bonnet really) on the side. Once the stuff in the pan was soft, I threw it all in a food processor along with the habaneros, more cider vinegar, agave nectar, and lime juice. Processed until it was sauce-like and adjusted to taste. 10 habs was way too much for the amount I made however. I need to make some more carrots/onions/garlic etc to dilute my batch.