Erik I'm very jealous of your chili garden. I had a few plants at one point but never made sauces out of them, just cooked with and/or ate off the vine.
I'm partial to the Ass Kickin' Garlic and Blair's Original Death from each o' them. I also absolutely devoured a bottle of Blair's Golden Death recently, at first it tasted weird but then 3 days later it was gone. So I guess I liked it.
I bought something called Tiger Sauce yesterday, I don't even know what it is but the bottle said "TRY ME" so I will. I need to make a visit to my local hot sauce stop soon, been out and this shit makes me BETTER so it must happen quick.
I have some Dave's Gourmet in my fridge, and one of them is incredibly hot (Insanity Sauce I think it's called?) but I don't really enjoy any of them.