hottest guitars of the world..!

the guitarplayer's thread is anything and everything to do with guitar.

Is he actually burning his guitar?!

@ Deadly : :lol: great

@ Serious-Eli : broken, sold, burn, stolen.. Those kind of things. But I'm not like Alexi Laiho, I didn't sleep with them :lol: That's boring for the cost, above all.
Guitars aren't the most important part of my stuff, so it wasn't a disastrous loss, the problem now is that I'd like to but some 3000$ guitars, but I can't. Eh, that's life, people don't even have guitars, and I still got some heavy material home.

cool metal thing, but i prefer vintage guitars and single coils, i love my 70ies Fender Mustang
I played this guitar and it felt soooo heavenly to play. Extremely smooth, fast action, wonderful slick neck. It was amazing, never felt a guitar that played like that.

But as far as sexiest guitar in the world, you know what my choice is....:D




Are you half latin ? Your skin color looks like you if u had some latin blood.