Hour of 13 - Hour of 13

Endurement To The Heirs of Shame is #1 for me.

Allowance of Sin reminds me of UoE.

edit: Call to Satan #2, Submissive To Evil #3, Missing Girl #4

I don't like Submissive to Evil so much because of the repeating part at the end, I think they could have easily dropped that. Also, it's so hard to choose my favourite because they all rule.
So I ordered this Hour of 13 album from The End. I have not heard a single note of it, don't really know what its like, and it may very well not be the kind of Doom I like. Oh well, we'll see.
So I ordered this Hour of 13 album from The End. I have not heard a single note of it, don't really know what its like, and it may very well not be the kind of Doom I like. Oh well, we'll see.

:lol: Thanks for the blind purchase!! That's rare these days!:lol: I hope it's your kind of Doom. But I can tell you it's more of a 70's type Doom, BLACK SABBATH, early PRIEST (Rocka Rolla/Sad Wings era). I dunno, you be the judge!

All I know is that the album is addicting.:rock:
Finally getting around to checking out this band... it won't make it into my favorites of 2007, but I love that dark, old-school metal riffing and sense of melody. Definitely something I'll be picking up (and likely listening to a lot of in the near future).