Hour of 13 - Hour of 13

RiA, I'm surprised you don't like this. You should just pick up the album anyway, I'm sure it'll grow on you.
Am I missing something here? I listened to this album in it's entirety and I'm sitting here in the state you would find yourself after watching a B movie. I'd recommend this album to people who masturbate (a word the band is enamored with) to Warning as the second coming of doom. Nothing really bad with this album per se, just another victim of the RC hype machine. Now where's that Death/Doom thread, that's where the funk is at. :dopey:

Dorian, back me up on this.
Am I missing something here? I listened to this album in it's entirety and I'm sitting here in the state you would find yourself after watching a B movie. I'd recommend this album to people who masturbate (a word the band is enamored with) to Warning as the second coming of doom. Nothing really bad with this album per se, just another victim of the RC hype machine. Now where's that Death/Doom thread, that's where the funk is at. :dopey:

Dorian, back me up on this.

RC hype machine my ass. If you dont like early-Priest, you wont like this album. Simply put.
The vocals are a huge draw for this album!

I love it, but I don't think this is something I'd listen to several times a day for months on end like Warning.
The perceived greatness album increases exponentially with repeated listens. Take your own advice that you gave me for Primordial.