House Tully

Tully, here's the coat of arms for the House of Tully, from George R. R. Martin's "Song of Fire and Ice" series.

It's about, when you get down to it, a bunch of guys with swords killing each other. But there's so much more. Political intrigue, warfare, incest, betrayal, dragons, and two lesbian sex scenes so far.

Plus one of the Tullys is Brynden the Blackfish, and he's so badass he eats nails and shits out fully constructed birdhouses.
Pyrus said:
Plus one of the Tullys is Brynden the Blackfish, and he's so badass he eats nails and shits out fully constructed birdhouses.

okay. this dude George R. R. Martin has written this fantasy series called a Song of Ice and Fire.

A Game of Thrones
A Clash of Kings
A Storm of Swords
A Feast for Crows (the new one)

Pyrus knows much more about this than I but each book is in the 700-800 page range and yet is engrossing. Forget about heroes who you know will never die; this guy will surprise you endlessly. I am not the biggest fantasy fan in the world and yet this series got me almost immediately. even better, it's not fantasy with all the way-out crap, you can almost believe the dragons are real. I guess that's the hallmark of a great writer.
:kickass: I bought "A Game of Thrones" randomly once (probably because of Robert Jordan being quoted on the cover about how awesome it was - at the time that woulda meant a lot to me)

never got past the first few chapters. not duly noted for a return read sometime.