How about ProgPower New York

Walking in the subway
Alone late at night
New York City gangs
Everywhere in sight

Your fell their anger upon you
You feel their hateful eyes :u-huh:
Walk a little faster now
You're fighting for your life :ill:

As they walk on closer
Their eyes burn down your back
You feel a thousand cries :waah:
Not prepared for their attack

A mission bell sent sign
A sign that you board soon
You've come this far, no turning back
We hope you make it too :heh:

Don't expect, sympathy
We don't know, the word
You walked my turf, insanity
But in this place you die :ill:

Your life is wasted
Your blood is tasted
As it drips down the blade
You didn't make it
You couldn't take it :ill: :ill:

You walked the subway you paid :ill: :ill: :ill:
Your money's gone
Your clothes they're torn
You're lying in a pool of blood

You know you're leaving
We watch you grieving
But in this place you die :heh:

Don't expect sympathy
We don't know the word
You walked my turf, insanity
But in this place you die :zombie:

Jon Schaffer speaks the truth. :lol:
Around B.B. King's at 7 pm, 10 pm, 1 am, 4 am... I cant tell the difference, the streets are packed with people and there's a whole lot of lights. :P

It's hard to feel unsave in Manhattan... specially with all the police patrolling.
I hope this post was purely irony LOL

When I woke up this morning, I realized that my questionable perception of safety on New York's subway system was all Jon Schaffer's fault! :)

CSI New York, NYPD Blue, New York Undercover, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Law & Order: Criminal Intent, and even Cagney and Lacey, probably skewed my perceptions too. :lol:
International access... almost every city in the world connects directly to New York, so you have easier and cheaper access to a large number of possible attendants from Canada and Latin America who have it a lot harder to make it to Atlanta.

If it's september, Hotel prices should be around 120 to 150 dollars per night in Time Squares (probably the most expensive ones, the farther away you get from Times Squares the cheaper it gets).

Moving around can be cheap, you get a metrocard for a week wich is about 24 dollars or something (forgot) and go crazy all over town. And it's very safe to move around town... not to mention it has an amazing night life for people who like live music.
Newark International is also connected directly to everywhere in the world.
As for hotels, it would be foolish to hold a festival in September and conflict with ProgPower (which we know isn't going to move) but for the sake of argument here I looked into hotel rates on weekends in Sept. Nothing within a one mile radius for less than $200/night for the most basic room, and NYC has a high lodging tax rate on top of that. The EconoLodge is $250/night. You can stay at Hotel 31 or Hotel 17 for about $150, but I would NOT recommend it. Scary roach-ridden dives. New York is expensive, no way around it.

That said, the mass transit is excellent, safe and inexpensive. As for those lyrics, Schaffer must have been exersizing poetic license. Either that or he fell asleep on the A train and ended up somewhere scary. :lol: Certainly, wasn't in Manhatten.
When I woke up this morning, I realized that my questionable perception of safety on New York's subway system was all Jon Schaffer's fault! :)

CSI New York, NYPD Blue, New York Undercover, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Law & Order: Criminal Intent, and even Cagney and Lacey, probably skewed my perceptions too. :lol:

I don't watch CSI because I can't stand the show. Also never got into NYPD Blue. I do know that L&O while using stories ripped from the headlines often are ripped from the headlines of other cities. Take the episode about the popstar who paid the parents of a child to leave the kid at his place while he um.... did whatever he wanted. We all know Michael Jackson doesn't live in NYC. Also, NYC used to be worse. Giulliani did a lot to clean up midtown Manhattan.
I know I'm afraid to use the subway. All those people who just sit there and mind their own business! C'mon! They could kill you any second with the 50 other people sharing the same car around.
I walked from BB Kings to the grand central by myself at 1 in the morning after Kamelot and wasn't at all scared. Manhattan is a rather safe place in comparison to a lot of other cities.

Being the typical dyed-in-the-wool New Yorker that I am, I'm more afraid of quiet places than I am of big, crazy cities. I'll take the subway at 2am, but camping? Fugetaboutit! :lol:

Good Lord the memories I have playing that place!

As matter of fact my old band opened for Joes band (Enertia) waaay back when he was in the band UNTAMED at Winners. We also played with Enertia for one of there CD release parties there.

I almost went to see what it looks like a few weeks ago when I was up there visiting family. I was only several miles away at the Malt River Brewing Co. at Latham Circle Mall. Sadly they dont brew there own beer anymore (luckily they had Brooklyn IPA on tap so I could have something hoppy), and went to the Red Robins down the street!

I was also upset when they stopped brewing there own beer, but they do have a great selection of beer. The Brown's brew pub is not to far from from. It used to be called the Troy Brew Pub. The Revolution hall is next door, where they just recently started having metal shows because of the demise of Saratoga Winners.
First of all, lemme say this:

1) Glenn, Only someone who relishes legal suicide would want to name a fest ProgPower. I was putting it out there basically because of the Texas thread. When I read that thread, I thought it was a wish thread. So, I put my own up. Furthermore, your name is mentioned in that thread (Nevermore is begging you). I apologize if you took this post and thought someone was going to rip your name off. This was not, and is not, the case.

2) To the guys from Texas: I wish you guys luck. It seems that you guys are getting hammered with some logistical questions. So, I hope all works out.

Finally, we all have our fantasies. But, unfortunately, many of us do not have the means to pull off their fantasies. This thread was if PP became a traveling show, as I thought the Texas thread was advocating. Maybe I should have clarified that.

My apologies if this construed ANYTHING else.

Ray C.
I was also upset when they stopped brewing there own beer, but they do have a great selection of beer. The Brown's brew pub is not to far from from. It used to be called the Troy Brew Pub. The Revolution hall is next door, where they just recently started having metal shows because of the demise of Saratoga Winners.

Browns Brew Pub? Have an addy at all? I'll be up for the Holidays soon, and would love to check it out!

Ever go to Mahars in Albany on Madison Ave? That place is a Beer lovers paradise!
We looked into doing something like this in the MD area a few years ago. Finding a suitable location to hold a show was what killed the idea. Sadly not every major city has anything close to the quality of Center Stage, or even really nice smaller places. At least nothing that's not standing room only, which isn't the best idea for an all day show...

We looked into doing something like this in the MD area a few years ago. Finding a suitable location to hold a show was what killed the idea. Sadly not every major city has anything close to the quality of Center Stage, or even really nice smaller places.
That isn't true. Ram's Head is very nice and the sound is great. It holds about the same amount of people as well. :)
When I woke up this morning, I realized that my questionable perception of safety on New York's subway system was all Jon Schaffer's fault! :)

CSI New York, NYPD Blue, New York Undercover, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Law & Order: Criminal Intent, and even Cagney and Lacey, probably skewed my perceptions too. :lol:

Hell yeah man! Did you hear about the talking dogs in the New England area as well? I didn't know about them untill I watched Family Guy and it totally changed my perception of the place.
