How about ProgPower New York

Hell yeah man! Did you hear about the talking dogs in the New England area as well? I didn't know about them untill I watched Family Guy and it totally changed my perception of the place.


So you mean to tell me that all those TV producers are really people that like to stick their fucked up little knives inside my brain, screw me around, and make me believe shit that's just not true? :hypno:
What? Star Wars isn't real? I've been had! :lol:

Let me add to the chorus of voices praising the (relative) safety and ease of getting around in NYC. With 40,000 cops on the beat, it's hard to throw a rock near Times Square or the other tourist destinations and NOT hit a cop. Incidentally, I don't recommend this. :lol:

NYC's subway system is probably the best in the Western Hemisphere (excepting London's, which is in BOTH hemispheres). Its transportation to and from the airports is the only real problem -- I recommend the shuttle vans, which were reasonably priced.

I've been impressed the last four times I've been to NYC for shows (Dream Theater twice, once with Glenn in fact; Ozric Tentacles and Dead Can Dance :kickass: ). It was easy to get around and I never felt unsafe on the streets. Wet and bedraggled, yes, but unsafe? Nope. :)
There's a killer venue in St.Louis MO. called The Pagent that holds around 1500. It's located in a nice college area where the entire street the venue is on is cafes/bars/restaraunts/stores/ lots of outside sitting.The whole area is lit in neon at night, looks really cool. The venue itself has the best view and sound for any concerts i have ever seen, has 2 huge bars inside the concert room and a bar connected to it also, a very new and clean place, FREE parking behind the building too. I just saw Whitesnake and then Steve Vai there. "Nice" hotels just a few blocks away are about $110 and a one way cab ride is only 8 bucks. If PP USA ever moved i would want it to come to St.Louis.
NYC,not a good idea(would cost $1000 per person with food,transportation,lodging,andn tix)
Better idea if you want to do a NYC area
New Jersey(ben,if you read this,is Stone Pony still open?)
NYC,not a good idea(would cost $1000 per person with food,transportation,lodging,andn tix)
Better idea if you want to do a NYC area
New Jersey(Ben,if you read this,is Stone Pony still open?)

Never go to Asbury Park if you/ I can avoid the trip. Way too far south for me.

Meanwhile, the idea of a Jersey location works, until you figure that it is a dickens to find a venue for the approximate # of people you'd want going.

I had previously suggested this new venue in South Orange (SOPAC), but the auditorium doesn't have the right # of seats. The auditorium at Montclair State University might work, since it traditionally houses the Modern Drummer magazine Festival in June. Plus, it's right on the fork/merge of Rts 46/3,
How about New Haven, CT? Toad's Place! Not too far from NYC.
j/k. I think that's maybe a 500 person venue. And I would probably put New Haven higher up on the list of dangerous cities than NYC. Plus if you're drinking, there's a cage between you and the stage. Stupid over 21 area.
I still say a spring concert at the Boston Pavillion would be the best location in the northeast.
NYC,not a good idea(would cost $1000 per person with food,transportation,lodging,andn tix)
Better idea if you want to do a NYC area
New Jersey(ben,if you read this,is Stone Pony still open?)
Yes The Pony is still open. I don't go there much anymore since they usually play nu-metal and other crap. A bit small but it could be a good venue to start with and it's right on the ocean and near the train station. The Paramount , which is part of Convention Hall, would be the place to grow into. It holds 1600 and has a huge open, indoor concourse between it and The Hall.

Only hotel in walking distance is the Berkeley Carteret. Bit overpriced for the area in my opinion, but you can get junior suites in March, June and November for $105 - $115. That is really the only safe/clean hotel in AP. The town is under a big revitilization project, with The Casino
finally being reconstructed and a lot of other areas, but there's still a lot of run-down buildings and crime.

Here's a good photo. The Berkeley is on the left, Convention Hall and the Paramount Theater in the center, and The Stone Pony is just out of the photo by about a block on the right.
Seriously - I know a lot of people are just "wishing" when they say stuff like the post that started this thread, but man - you have NO idea of the logistics, passion, and costs that go into a fest like this. You'd have to have some passion to want to even take a nightmare like this head on (or just pure greed, and i KNOW this is not the case with Glenn)
There are Band performance fees and travel costs, backline gear rental, hotels, food and drink, band/personnel transportation arrangements, finding suitably equipped venue at a reasonable cost, crew/staff/personnel costs .... then advertising, % of sale that will go to ticketbastard, merchandise/shirts & programs costs, insurance... competeing with other fests and tour schedules, and I'm sure I'm just scratching the surface
If you want an idea, speak to Chris Lotesto (Chicago Powerfest) and Joe Paciola (sp?? sorry Joe) from Enertia ... they can give you an idea of logistics and costs
Not trying to rant, just presenting a perspective from (sort of ) the inner workings of a fest of this size
RAWK !:rock: :kickass:'s nice to know that there are people out there who know & appreciate what goes into doing this stuff...thanks! ;)

We're about ready to pull out our fuckin' hair...hehe. :zombie: :loco:
I see the points made in this thread and it all makes a whole lot of sense... but just to add some points in favor of a ProgPower or ProgPower type of festival in New York...

International access... almost every city in the world connects directly to New York, so you have easier and cheaper access to a large number of possible attendants from Canada and Latin America who have it a lot harder to make it to Atlanta.

Atlanta is an International hub.
Atlanta is an International hub.

And Delta is re-making itself into a more international airline, so if they don't have direct service to the Dominican Republic yet, maybe they will in a few years?
--For that guy, I wonder if D.R. -> Miami -> Atlanta would be a cheaper alternative for ya? Fla. <-> Atlanta is a pretty cheap ride.
Unless you eat the street meat(which last I remember was getting expensive as well),for every meal,yes it would
Heh, you don't know where to eat, but we can help you. :p
As for "eating street" stick to the pretzels. Safe, cheap and filling unless you're having a lot of beer, which I re-discovered at the BG concert. :blush: Let's not go there.