How about ProgPower New York

Haha thats ok I lived in Schenectady NY for over 24 years.

Although not nearly as Upstate as Buffalo/Rochester.....compared to NYC , and Long Island we catch the same crap! ;)
Heh, you guys are still southerners. My relatives all live in NORTHERN New York, not that middle ground called "upstate."

Every year I get to visit the lovely town of Malone and the bustling metropolis of Massena, frequently the coldest spot in the nation.

As for doing fests in other areas, it could be a great idea if done like Chicago Powerfest. Different name and different time of year. I totally would avoid NYC for the cost first and foremost. It would be better to do a fest at a place like the Starland in Sayerville or a club in Belmar, NJ where there are lots of restaurants, bars in walking distance and hotels nearby as well as the beach. Lots of possibilities, just need the ambition and capital to make it work.
Prog Power is great where it is...Its getting better and its a great reason for a fall vacation out of your state...I think people just really either are too broke or just do not like to travel that keep bringing these topics up..

If you want a PP type fest in your area, put one on, pretty simple eh!!


I see everyone talking about holding a ProgPower in Texas. How about holding ProgPower in New York? Let's face it, what band in their right mind would NOT want to play a festival at a place like Nokia Times Square? Which is right around the corner from MTV's offices? With a gaggle of hotels within a block of the place? With all the media pushing it? Man, even Dream Theater would beg to play it:notworthy . Nevermore would get on their hands and knees, and beg Glenn's forgiveness wearing clown suits in the middle of Times Square:lol: . It will be the metal event of the year.

How about it?

Ray C.

Okay, let me chime in on this. First off we are not holding a ProgPower Texas, yes i know that is how the thread started, but we never intended to use that name in any way shape form or fashion because that is Glenn's and we are not going to interfer with his Dream. Our Festival is called MADFEST TEXAS 2007, and to be honest it has grown into a monster and logistically it is going to be a nightmare, but we do have some great people working on this dream of ours.
We are lucky in the fact that there is no union involved as this would cause the cost of this to skyrocket. And yes as has been said in this thread there are numerous costs involved, and then there is all the unexpected costs. If you are going to do your own festival then do yourself a favor start small, and then work your way up over the years.
I don't want to say a festival in NY would not work, it probably would over a period of time, but if you really want to do this then go the thread about ours in Texas and read Glenn's advise to us, and let me tell you we have taken it to heart, and are hoping we don't lose our ass. I have to say a big THANKS to Glenn and Shane for all the insight into what is needed and for the advice.
I see the points made in this thread and it all makes a whole lot of sense... but just to add some points in favor of a ProgPower or ProgPower type of festival in New York...

International access... almost every city in the world connects directly to New York, so you have easier and cheaper access to a large number of possible attendants from Canada and Latin America who have it a lot harder to make it to Atlanta.

Of course I'm bleeding through the wound here (I'm totally biased), but seriously, to make it to Atlanta I have to take a plane to Miami, Ft. Lauderdale or NYC and then I'd have to take another plane to make it to Atlanta, that's a price range between USD$400-US$600 on getting there, not to mention the difficulties of getting my timing right to get back and take my plane to return home, NYC means about USD$200 on plane tickets.

If it's september, Hotel prices should be around 120 to 150 dollars per night in Time Squares (probably the most expensive ones, the farther away you get from Times Squares the cheaper it gets).

Moving around can be cheap, you get a metrocard for a week wich is about 24 dollars or something (forgot) and go crazy all over town. And it's very safe to move around town... not to mention it has an amazing night life for people who like live music.

I dont know about the costs of putting a festival like PPUSA up in NYC, I have no references to go over... but I can assure you that just like for the big festivals (Ozzfest, Gigantour, et al) people from all over will be flying in to catch, SPECIALLY if it's a 2 back to back day show like it is now as opposed to a touring festival.
The last thing I would want to do is pay a cabbie $100 for my cabride from the airport to the hotel and then again from the hotel to the venue. Getting around that town safely on my own and affordably would be a big concern for me. Now, if it were set up like Atlanta where I can just jump on a train to the hotel and venue and not rent a car or take a taxi, I'd consider it more.

Actually, getting around in NYC is extremely easy and extremely safe. The cabs to and from the airport are about $30-40, plus there are subways and buses that run to and from LaGuardia, JFK and Newark. The shuttle buses are about $10-$13 and the regular city buses and subways are only $2. And you never need a car here, especially in Manhattan, because our public transportation system is probably the most extensive and efficient in the country. I've lived here my entire life and I've taken subways at 3am back to my home in the Bronx (which, contrary to what people might think, is a lot safer than many other cities I've visited in this country), so I can tell you that you'd never be at a loss for safe transportation.

Also, since the streets of midtown are teeming with people 24/7, I feel a lot safer than I have walking along the empty streets back to the Residence and Granada at 2am, even though Center Stage is in a nice area.

That being said, a ProgPower type of event in a decent venue here would probably cost about three or four times what it costs Glenn. While I have no idea what Glenn's costs are, my boyfriend and I have been trying to work out the logistics for his True Metal America concert series in 2007, and the prices we're getting are outrageous. And these shows are nowhere near the size and scope of ProgPower. So if anyone out there is willing to mortgage their house and sell a kidney, an arm and a leg, Bob and I would be more than happy to accept your donations. :lol:

The last thing I would want to do is pay a cabbie $100 for my cabride from the airport to the hotel and then again from the hotel to the venue. Getting around that town safely on my own and affordably would be a big concern for me. Now, if it were set up like Atlanta where I can just jump on a train to the hotel and venue and not rent a car or take a taxi, I'd consider it more.

It's called the subway!!:goggly:
Unfortunately people in this forum are still almost ignorant when it comes to NYC's transportation means and safety... lol

It'd be great to have a festival like ProgPower in NYC, but I don't think it's a viable thing...
as I'm 30 min from NYC, I would love that to happen
:P but oh well, Idon't mind going to Atlanta at all!!! :D
New York City is a fantastic place to see concerts! Deb and I see lots of shows in the city...after a concert is over we don't feel unsafe at all walking around even at 2 - 3 in the morning. The subway really isn't that bad at all either, just like anyplace else, as long as you kind of watch your back and pay attention to what's happening around you there's never a problem. When I first moved to New Jersey from Florida I was so intimidated when going into NYC but it doesn't bother me at all anymore.
It's funny that a NYC Metal fest. was mentioned because Deb and I were just talking about that last week. We are seriously thinking about trying to put something SMALL together for maybe next year. Use bands that are from the area (there's lots of great bands that live close by including: Symphony X, Painmuseum, Sebastian Bach, Seven Witches, Obsession, Attacker just to name a few) Just do a one day type fest. with maybe 5 -6 bands? Maybe have it somewhere in New Jersey if having it in NYC would prove too expensive. Plus we know quite a few people in bands where we could probably save some $$$ on costs that way. We were thinking maybe some of the people we know that run different websites in the area may want in on it and we could also save money that way by spreading the costs around a bit.
Just a thought but I'd LOVE to take on something like this!
If someone puts on a "Prog Power NYC" (obviously not with that name), it has to be legitimate. A festival with all local acts and one semi-national act headlning wouldn't work. It has to hit hard enough to make people want to travel from Europe, Asia, or Austrailia to see it or otherwise it will fall apart. Look at the lineup for Prog Power USA #1. Absolutely no bullshiting around with that bill.

Also, it should be at a completely different time from the actual Prog Power (March/April?) so as not even try to compete with that monster.

My 0.02.

I see everyone talking about holding a ProgPower in Texas. How about holding ProgPower in New York? Let's face it, what band in their right mind would NOT want to play a festival at a place like Nokia Times Square? Which is right around the corner from MTV's offices? With a gaggle of hotels within a block of the place? With all the media pushing it? Man, even Dream Theater would beg to play it:notworthy . Nevermore would get on their hands and knees, and beg Glenn's forgiveness wearing clown suits in the middle of Times Square:lol: . It will be the metal event of the year.

How about it?

Ray C.

:Puke: NY

nuff said