How are exams going for all?


Let me die in solitude...
May 30, 2001
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If you're a college or HS student, I'm sure you're coming up on exam are they going, or how is the preperation going?

I'm getting all stressed, as usual...I've been in my dorm room studying all week...tests start tonight and go all the way to next friday....
I am stressed as well, I hate these things. I end up doing fine, but it is still a big hassle.
Oh, it's just the usual for me: acting like nothing's really happening. Very rarely do I EVER study for a test, and it's the same with exams. I just retain what I learn in class and during the review week, and enjoy the reduction in homework.:) I might scan over my notes or something, but exams, usually being multiple choice, true/false, and matching, are pretty damn easy.
Mine are almost over, I´ve got 2 left but they are easie so I´m very calm about it. The Germish (german language) is over so the easie parts are left, but damn that language is difficult to learn, I´ve been told that french is easier so I might just sign up for that instead of the germanish, It depends though If I pass, which I doubt will happen I might continue.

Always when the horrible test season rolls around I think about all the hours I was watching television, computering or listening to Opeth, all the hours that could have been used for doing my homework :eek: and I freak out... for about five minutes before realizing I don´t really care, and besides, I don´t want to waste my valuable time trying to score a perfect 10 when 5 is enough!
I am really worried about my physics exam, but other than that I should do fine. I am not really worried too much just as long as I hear something from my college of choice very soon. Dammit, I meant to call them today to see how they were doing on my application. I have gotten very lazy lately, and luckily my grades haven't suffered very much(except physics). It's a good thing I have Christmas break coming up.
i have three exams left in my college career!!!! woohoo! what a great feeling. (except i'll be back in 8 months for a Masters, oh well.)

i procrastinate really, really bad though. for instance, it's 1:00 a.m. and i have a long assignment due tomorrow that i haven't started! my room is never as clean as it gets the night before a test. :D
my next presentation is in exactly 2 hours. wish me luck...
3 more to come... then i got my job certificate (or whatever it's called)!
just got back from a final exam in my CS440 class - Intro to artificial intelligence... i swear that was the hardest test i've ever taken. A few weeks ago my scatterbrained professor was telling us it wouldn't be too long.. but i swear this test was like a paper weight made out of paper.. it was ENORMOUS :mad:

anyway, only two left.. and only one more semester till i graduate!

woob woob woob!

the last exam i failed i showed up pissed of my face with nothing but a can of extra strong cider (where as everyone else had books, pens, calculators, folders of notes etc.) as long as my next exam goes better than that i'll be happy...
I am in my third year of college and probably just had my worst semester to date (grade-wise at least) so I am not that happy right now