how are your exams etc going?


original rude boy
Nov 7, 2003
so most of us are students of one form or another, so how are your exams going? are they all over or still to come?

i finish college tomorrow and then i just have to come back to sit my exams here and there and then they are all over by the first of july. i sat on the other day in Critical Thinking. i thought i only had one paper, and was about to walk out when i realised that i had another to sit :erk: would have been a mildly humourous sitaution if it wasnt 'DEATH-PAPER' it was a nightmare...but i think my first paper will pull the fail into a pass.....i hope.
hmm, exams start here at the end of July, so it's still quite a time to go for them. The semester is, well, a strange one again, i begin to hate this course of study. Anyway, we'll see what it it comes to at the end of the semester.
Well, tonight I'll be writing my term paper for grammar class, pretty standard stuff.

Then I have 2 exams next week in classes I've put pretty much no effort into, just giving it a shot. So after I've put this bit of work behind me tonight, it's time for the summer routine (working 45-50 hours a week).
first time in 16 years something i don't have exams right now :D
doing my traineeship, interview cooks, eating posh food, this suits me fine
good luck there though, i see them students suffering around me, it's a hard life isn't it. sleepless nights.
what's your method though? last exam period i refused to drink any coffee or cola, just loads of tea and stress. i don't believe in all those pills and red bull things
where are you doing this traineeship, lisa? for a paper? a magazine?

@all the students here: good luck with these exams! get that degree!:)
Damn, just done, what a hazzle. Did the whole thing, working on my mom's pc. Then realised she only had this crap programme called Wordpad on this one, so I had to mail it to myself, in order to do the paragraphs and so on properly, on me mom's old pc, which has a sufficient programme, what a hazzle. Dead boring stuff too.

Here's a bit to let you know just how uninteresting it is:

"*Everybody are here

Everybody is an indefinite pronoun, indefinite pronouns take a singular verb, thus are is incorrect, it should be "everybody is here".

*I don't know what the future brings

As discussed before, non-progressive present can only be used for future reference, if it is with great certainty the events will take place. To put it mildly, that is not the case here. It should be "I don't know what the future will bring".

*In india English is being used in courts of law.

The use of progressive signals that Indians are speaking English in their courts of law as the sentence is uttered. I suppose, it should be expressing a constant state of affairs, therefore the simple present should be used. "In india English is used in courts of law". "
all you europeans end school late... i finished 2 weeks ago here in the stizzates. i had no finals b/c i'm an english major so just a shitload of papers. i got straight a's bitches!
damn... I'm having really hell week. Monday - Descriptive Geometry test, Tuesday - Statics test, Wednesday - Elements of Buildings test, Thursday - Designing test. And whole July of exams.... :( Who can beat this? :D
Hmm i'm in the middle of me finals, I still have monday and tuesday.
Then on the 22 of June I have my baccalaureate exams, yep people me izzz still young.:)