how are your exams etc going?

Allan said:
Damn, just done, what a hazzle. Did the whole thing, working on my mom's pc. Then realised she only had this crap programme called Wordpad on this one, so I had to mail it to myself, in order to do the paragraphs and so on properly, on me mom's old pc, which has a sufficient programme, what a hazzle. Dead boring stuff too.

Here's a bit to let you know just how uninteresting it is:

"*Everybody are here

Everybody is an indefinite pronoun, indefinite pronouns take a singular verb, thus are is incorrect, it should be "everybody is here".

*I don't know what the future brings

As discussed before, non-progressive present can only be used for future reference, if it is with great certainty the events will take place. To put it mildly, that is not the case here. It should be "I don't know what the future will bring".

*In india English is being used in courts of law.

The use of progressive signals that Indians are speaking English in their courts of law as the sentence is uttered. I suppose, it should be expressing a constant state of affairs, therefore the simple present should be used. "In india English is used in courts of law". "

descriptive grammar of english???
I have it on 9th of June.
Does school in Europe generally start later in the year? I had my finals in the beginning of May...easy stuff: Sociology 101, multiple choice exam; a Speech for Stage exam where I just had to recite two monologues...the only hard exam was my clarinet performance exam for the music professors. I had to play the third movement of Mozart's Clarinet Concerto. This was overall my "easy" semester. Anyway, best of luck to everyone!
I'm a fucking lazy idiot, missed my exam today, Was told it was the 2nd and 3rd, and just figured I could trust that. Took me 30 seeconds to find confirmation it was actually today, once somebody told me. I need to be shot, Though, it doesn't matter much, really. Have all the time in the world for it next year. Whole year focussed on studying, but damn, most idiotic thing I've ever done, and that's saying quite a bit.
I'm starting my exams on Monday and I'll be through with them by the 29th of June. It's my last semester so it's really shitty and tiring...Plus my program is totally fucked up! I have no time and lots of studying to do! It's a good thing though that the weather here is shitty so I don't feel the urge to go to the beach and forget about everything.. Oh I hate exams!
i just have english and RE to sit now and then its all over and its art forever wooooo me!!! speaking of which maybe i should revise today.....or maybe i should watch a film....i wish i had will power.
finished my one-year-course school last Thursday, had my final piano exam on Wednesday (eh it was the day after the Anathema concert here and I felt like... hmm you know), university exams are still ahead until mid-July :erk:
my university exams ;/ bleee 18.06 sociology & logics... it really sucks.. and I had no time to learn cuz of Anathema gigs in Poland.. eh.. now 2 days... to learn everything... hope it will be the end soon... :D please keep you fingers crossed... :D
ew just got news, I have exams on the 23th, 29th, 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th good to know, I'm gonna die before I finish... more that I won't be able to see Tiamat again like I didn't see them 2 yrs ago neither (think for the same reason...)