How are you guys doin?

Employer is going to mandate the horse shit just like they do with the flu vaccine.

Same here. I'm sure the employee mandate is coming. At work is the ONLY place I wear a mask, as am required to. Too many NARCs around here run to HR if you dont.

Im not an anti vax queer, but I am a pro immune system snob. All the vax sucking queefs pray at the altar of big pharma while slurping down ding dongs on the sofa. What's going to provide more protection? A vax or being able to tackle a flight of stairs?

There is a lot of truth to this. If anything, hopefully this virus showed people that they need to turn off anime and video games, put down the twinkies and go outside. You know, like our mighty ancestors used to.

My body, my fucking choice.

Not if that clown Fauci has anything to say.
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did you ever watch the "prequel"?

Was Childs or Macready a Thing? Or human?

The eternal question
I dig the prequel, it's a solid if not great movie, but damned if they didn't do their homework and make a fantastic tribute. So I love it for that. Didn't really care for the overuse of CGI though, if I'm being picky.

My theory is that Childs is not the Thing because he takes a drink of scotch. But then MacReady does not, so it's implied that maybe he is the Thing, but why would he test Childs with the booze if he was. So I think neither is, but always love the wink wink lol idk element of it all as the movie ends.

Oh and I Got Vax'd® but don't care if anyone else does/doesn't. Life is a risk, seatbelts are optional.
Ive heard Childs is/might be a Thing because there is no "glint" in his eye and you cant see his breath.

In the end, I dont think either of them are Things but they are dead anyway
I had my second vaccine just this morning. So in the UK as of today all corona restrictions are lifted, although our case numbers are going through the roof. Be interesting to see where we are in a few weeks.
sort of. it is only illegal in the sense if you ran over people on purpose. "illegal" implies they are purposely breaking the law

if you didnt mean to, its manslaughter
sort of. it is only illegal in the sense if you ran over people on purpose. "illegal" implies they are purposely breaking the law

if you didnt mean to, its manslaughter
manslaughter is illegal

Wrong wording. You are describing intent, to be more accurate. I guess. I dont see many covid peeps running around purposely infecting others. But i get what youre saying
however, it is illegal to run over other people and i think that makes sense
Yeah. True. I do find it irresponsible to not get vaccinated, but many US Americans don't give a shit about the greater good. Even the plague of a modern age can't convince X% to do otherwise. Same as it ever was.
it doesn't really affect me in any way who lives or dies in america so you just keep on doing whatever the fuck you're doing imo, but

i do find it funny that the (part of the) country that never ever shuts the fuck up about patriotism are unwilling to do a single selfless thing for their nation when duty calls because it might be a slight inconvenience to them or they're trying to make some kind of dumbass point

i guess it's only fun to be a "patriot" when it means you get to hurt others
Thought you fuggs believe in Darwinism? Guess everyone needs to live to a hundo nowadays. I just find it hysterical how people blindly put faith in Big Pharma/Big Govt. I know a fuck ton of vaxxed people who have Covid right now. Oh btw, theyre a little fluffy around the waist, may have something to do with it.

So you're putting an experimental vax into your body to protect against a virus that has a 99.9% survivability rate all so you can feel like you did your part. What a bunch of clowns.

By contrast, if you come down with cancer, you have to be knocking on death's door to try ANY experimental medications.

Makes sense, clown world afterall. Though this is coming from people that entreaty third worlders to come fugg their wives and kids. Lulz
Thought you fuggs believe in Darwinism? Guess everyone needs to live to a hundo nowadays. I just find it hysterical how people blindly put faith in Big Pharma/Big Govt. I know a fuck ton of vaxxed people who have Covid right now. Oh btw, theyre a little fluffy around the waist, may have something to do with it.

This is the one that's funny to me. And I'm talking about the US, not just RC. Everyone likes to rail against Big Pharma all the time, no matter what political persuasion, but I'll be damned if everyone didnt jump at the 1st opportunity to inject some stuff inside their body the first chance they got. And people who got the vaccine STILL are getting the virus.

But yeah, everyone pretty much agrees that the world is overpopulated. Well this thing just took out 4mil people. I know its a cynical way to look at it, but.....

So you're putting an experimental vax into your body to protect against a virus that has a 99.9% survivability rate all so you can feel like you did your part. What a bunch of clowns.

but delta variant worstest ever. yeah, until a lambda variant or something else comes along. how many vaccinations is it gonna take?

I'm not anti-vax, but this thing has revealed so many contradictions in people, it's amusing.
There rightly or wrongly seems to be a move towards some sort of "Covid passport" in the UK and elsewhere in Europe. And international travel is going to be a lot simpler if you're vaccinated. So that was enough to sway me to get it done, as someone who wasn't particularly worried about catching the virus, but also didn't have any paranoia about getting the vaccine.
Im pretty much in the same boat. Im sure just to travel within the US, itll be easier if youre vaccinated.

also, i have no doubt that my employer will mandate it, in time
I'm not anti-vax, but this thing has revealed so many contradictions in people, it's amusing.

Nor am I, if this vax is what I felt would be in MY best interest jab away. If my neighbor feels it's best to get it, then by all means. However, Ive warded it off with holistic voodoo for 17 months why would I want to go and fuck with success? All on account that I can feel that "I did my part, since we're all in it together!" Nah, there's no team outside of your immediate kin, this isnt Mayberry NC.

It typically takes a drug a decade for FDA approval, and that's only if it makes the cut. Most drugs dont end up being suitable for mass human consumption. A LOT of research goes into it even if you cut through all the bureacratic red tape. Say you're able to decrease the window to 3-4 yrs after all the mice and monkeys have been jabbed, and all is well, no bureacratic bullshit to cut through. Hmm 3-4 yrs of trials sounds much more mentally soothing than 8-9 months of each pharmaceutical company rushing to get their Harry Potter elixir out the quickest to make it to the pay window. 19 more vaxs are being worked on as we speak.

What harm is there in being The Last in Line?
Cue: Dio

Next month my employer is going to implement the Scarlett Letter of Shame. Basically the vaxed get a nice badge buddy to go with their IDs. Any little way to shove this shit down your cheesepipes. Whether it be free donuts, free handjobs, peer shaming pablum, raa raa rap videos, what tf is in this shit and WHY does the government care about my well being so much all of a sudden? Nobody bothers to question anything nowadays, just far too much societal trust in our handlers. Though as history has shown through the annals of time, those in power have been wrong time and time, and time again.

I only got the one body ye see. Only the one set of lungs, and all the inner workings to go with it. All these cells are a community unto themselves. Much more so than the communal relationship between my neighbor Angelo and I. I think i'll err on the side of caution on this one.
My employer has offered certain positions (pilots and flight attendants) extra $ and /or extra days off to get vaxxed.

My department, you ask? Nada, big fat nothing offered. Show me the money. And keep the bids coming. Then we can talk getting vaxxed
Im surprised my employer hasn't brought the Rams cheerleading squad into "fluff" everyone pre-jab.

With my luck, it would be one of the two DUDE cheerleaders at the other end of my phallic slurp n burp.


The past 20 years need to be erased. RC Included
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