How can anybody be that musically prolific?


Jul 24, 2002
Fargo, ND USA
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Okay, here's my query: I have one album finished (well, pretty much---final mixing for one song and then mastering) Anyways, this project has taken WAY TOO LONG---hell, the newest song is from spring, 2000 (although I did rearrange one entirely this spring). If any of the guys in the band could tell me, how on earth can you be continually writing for several albums at one given time? I seem to have hit a dry spell in which I write riff after riff, but nothing that seems to mesh with anything else this time around. Hell, I have enough decent riffs to fill two friggin' albums, but nothing that's terribly coherent. How do you get past a dry spell like that?
hmmmmmm....hard to say actually. Right now I'm working on 5-6 albums paralelly and it works very good, so I guess you shouldn't ask me, I'm just composing and it turns out as it does, I don't have any ability to analyse why it works that way??

mr V
Interestingly enough, I wrote music for one complete coherent song this morning (minus the obligatory middle-section). Apparently, whining on this BB like a lonely old woman has sparked my creativity.
Originally posted by TravisW
Interestingly enough, I wrote music for one complete coherent song this morning (minus the obligatory middle-section). Apparently, whining on this BB like a lonely old woman has sparked my creativity.
when i'm stuck with creativity, i always change something in the environment, or stop playing for some time and after awhile then it all comes back to me like hell!! But what is importand - never to rush or force your creativity, coz you may loose it for a longer time...