how can i make my guitars sound WIDE using amp sims

Guitardrummer's (creative name there) question is perfectly valid IMO, and I'm sure more than one producer uses a third (or fifth) rhythm track low in volume up the centre. I've never done it personally though.

Terry Date did that on cowbows from hell, vulgar display of power and some prong records, at least that's what he said on several interviews.

I don't think it's a bad technique, but then again, depends on the material, band, etc
I know Randy Rhoads used to track all of his lead and solo tracks 3 times and center the one he liked, and then pan the other 2 takes L and R a few db quieter. But yeah, using a rhythm track in the center I think is ok depending on the context of the music. But I thought GuitarDrummer's question was about ONLY centering 1 rhythm track and that's it; however, I just re-read his last post and realized I read it incorrectly and he was talking about centering a rhythm track in addition to others panned L and R.
Guitardrummer's (creative name there) question is perfectly valid IMO, and I'm sure more than one producer uses a third (or fifth) rhythm track low in volume up the centre. I've never done it personally though.


And yeah the reason I brought up the center track question is because (and im referring to and talking about metal), when you have a guitar harmony (IMO) sometimes when the main rhythm just STOPS, and all you have is the left and right guitars playing a harmony, and drums+bass down the center. It tends to sound (at least to me) a little empty.

If you have a rhythm going down the center, while the L/R are playing harmonies, it just tends to sound a little more full.
umm yes it does? dont bash a technique youve never tried. its called the haas effect and I use it in pretty much every mix I do (not on guitars necessarily but other things)

Individual instruments, by any chance?

2 guitar tracks playing the same riff panned hard left and hard right is a completely different sound to putting the Haas effect into practice. In doing so, it's creating the perception of space, sure, but in a very very different way; it's not the sound the OP is going for (I'm guessing). By all means, try the Haas effect, then try simply double tracking and tell me which sounds better on heavy rhythm guitars ;)

And for your information, I have tried it. The only thing I like it on is when there is only one instrument playing (usually pianer). It simply fucks up my ears when listening to metal.
umm yes it does? dont bash a technique youve never tried. its called the haas effect and I use it in pretty much every mix I do (not on guitars necessarily but other things)

With the Haas effect you localize to the side that arrives sooner. That's the whole point. Basically the "effect" is that it sounds thicker without changing which side you localize to. If, for example, the right side is delayed then you will hear the sound from the left.
It's a cool trick but does little to substitute for or fake double tracking.
Lazy, lazy engineers. Too enamored with the newfound knowledge of simple routing and delay function to even double track? What a joke.
Individual instruments, by any chance?

2 guitar tracks playing the same riff panned hard left and hard right is a completely different sound to putting the Haas effect into practice. In doing so, it's creating the perception of space, sure, but in a very very different way; it's not the sound the OP is going for (I'm guessing). By all means, try the Haas effect, then try simply double tracking and tell me which sounds better on heavy rhythm guitars ;)

And for your information, I have tried it. The only thing I like it on is when there is only one instrument playing (usually pianer). It simply fucks up my ears when listening to metal.

true, but aortizjr said that actually double tracking was obviously preferred and even stated the obvious fact that it will collapse in mono

nevertheless it is definitely the best option when you absolutely have only one track to work with and it is an incredibly useful mixing tool in general

just didnt want people to think aortizjr was spitting BS