How can you NOT vote for McCain after this?

Quoting a Yahoo! news article in which McCain says he has been "tested" in a world crisis and has proven he is ready:

McCain recalled being ready to launch a bombing run during the October 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, which Biden said over the weekend tested a new President John F. Kennedy and was the template for the kind of "generated crisis" the 47-year-old Obama would face within six months of taking office.

"I was on board the USS Enterprise," McCain, a former naval aviator, said in the capital city of Harrisburg. "I sat in the cockpit, on the flight deck of the USS Enterprise, off of Cuba. I had a target. My friends, you know how close we came to a nuclear war."

My dear mister McCain...there is a world of difference between being a pilot, sitting on deck, waiting to take an order from a superior....and actually BEING the superior that gives the order. I fail to see how this is relevant to the point which you are struggling (and failing) to make.

And by the way John...quit ending many of your paragraphs with "my friends". I am not your friend. Go F yourself, you delusional, washed up old fart.
A comedian [cant remember who] was making fun of people who say "my friends"... referencing that the people who use that term, are NEVER your friends.

Usually its foreign shop owners and shit who say it... taxi drivers... that sort.. or guys trying to sell you some junky shit. "My friends, please, take a look, I have great deals", etc etc