how come we dont all get along these days


May 20, 2005
last week a freind of mine was in our local metal club-he was on his own waiting for the rest of the guys to get there.he's a big black label fan and prefers to wear their merchandise-herein lies the tale.when he went to the bar a group of dudes explained to him that he would be severly beaten if he did not remove his jacket with the bls back patch on -calling him an associate of the hells angels and that they wouldnnt tolerate "their kind" in the bearing in mind that this is a metal club and not some fucking soft ass wine bar can someone please explain what the fuck they were on about-does mr Wylde have links with the hells angels and if so why the not into bikes and admit that my knowledge of bls is limited but the fact is that this was metalers against metalers in a fuckin metal bar-can you chaps shed any light on the subject coz its got me fuckin steamin-cheers
So did he take off the jacket or beat some ass?????

Testament has a Hoodie i wore to a Tattoo Convention in Santa Rosa where the Hells Angels had a table set up. Everyone was looking at it...o_O I know they didn't lke it much.

he,s tiny and the guys severly out numbered him -it was the night before we all went to download so he finished his beer and left but rest assured apples will grow this weekend
Yeah its stupid that people that should get along and have some sort of bond argue with each other like that! THis forum is a good example for people pretending to be 'hard' and dissing each other! Arnt we all into the same thing here?
So is the Iron Cross symbol what they take Issue with?? That;s on the BLS patch too right? Both designs do look kind of biker-ish, but nothing to take issue over. Some people are just really sensitive :) and act like assholes!
Vinnie Cappuccino said:
So is the Iron Cross symbol what they take Issue with?? That;s on the BLS patch too right? Both designs do look kind of biker-ish, but nothing to take issue over. Some people are just really sensitive :) and act like assholes!
yeah its got the iron cross on but fuck knows what the beef is.

The back logo of the top looks very similar to the Angels patch/logo. As this is a copyrighted design thats what the Angels are pissed at. As for the guys who tryed to start the fight, point them in the direction of your nearest Angels chapter an tell them what they said. Theyll sort it right out for you.
Ragman_kd said:

The back logo of the top looks very similar to the Angels patch/logo. As this is a copyrighted design thats what the Angels are pissed at. As for the guys who tryed to start the fight, point them in the direction of your nearest Angels chapter an tell them what they said. Theyll sort it right out for you.[/QUOTE]

Fuck yeah they will. ... As far as Zak and BLS I do know he rides but I have no idea if he is affiliated with H.A or not. Most bikers I know (and memebers of H.A ) dig BLS....
IMO, it's been like that for awhile, BLS/Hells Angels shit aside.

I mean, you tell people you're into certain metal bands or shit & you get flamed to fuck. I dunno, I just keep an open mind about my metal, and I've found some really cool shit, from classic bands like Preist, Maiden & 'thrax, to killer black metal like CoB & Old Man's Child, to power metal bands like Blind Guardian, Helloween, Rhapsody, & Stratovarius. I don't give a fuck who else likes 'em, because I'm not forcing anyone to listen to the albums but me, goddamit (oh, and the wife too).

Just my personal beef, I guess...
cheers for all the info guys-its just a real fuckin shame that this shits goin on these days-a glass is raised to you all :headbang:
mrthrax said:
i am sure zakk dont ride,i remember the moderator on bls forum saying so,i could be wrong....

Im pretty sure he does, i've seen pictures of him on a custom harley with a black and white bullseye paintjob. Maybe he has a stunt driver :tickled: .
Motorbikes and rockstars are a bad combination...
last week a freind of mine was in our local metal club-he was on his own waiting for the rest of the guys to get there.he's a big black label fan and prefers to wear their merchandise-herein lies the tale.when he went to the bar a group of dudes explained to him that he would be severly beaten if he did not remove his jacket with the bls back patch on -calling him an associate of the hells angels and that they wouldnnt tolerate "their kind" in the bearing in mind that this is a metal club and not some fucking soft ass wine bar can someone please explain what the fuck they were on about-does mr Wylde have links with the hells angels and if so why the not into bikes and admit that my knowledge of bls is limited but the fact is that this was metalers against metalers in a fuckin metal bar-can you chaps shed any light on the subject coz its got me fuckin steamin-cheers

heres your conspriacy...It just happened to be the first baptist bar and grill
and any thing leather is satan or just rude biker,

they would have loved my retort if it was me ( just drive the big truck into the building through the doors, and low and behold you will have the whole bar emptied and to yourself, invite the friends and family and then dont let the same assholes back in that dont want you there in the first place,and it all could have been avoided if they'd just let you be :headbang:

In my world ,im not afraid ( yet most of the denizen wear white coats)
i do not understand why bikers should get offended of a logo that only should be represented for only bikers??? The BLS logo is pretty cool. If i was a biker I would take it as complement not offensive. start getting offensive if these pretty boys like bsb or insuck came on stage looking like bikers or metal heads then I would think thats not cool being something you are not and you know it. :D
It has to do with "colors" rival gangs ( and non gang related biker clubs)
would you sit next to a member of "the outlaws" if you are in Hells angels territory
( no, I wouldnt)I knew a retired Hells angel when I lived in Missouri ( i could never spell that state I lived in almost all of them)
think back to the Stones concert immeadeatly after Woodstock ( a riot broke out, Hells angels where security) rival gangs

people just see bikers and think negatively ( most of my friends have been bikers)
Random acts of senseless violence.

I never understood the whole gang thing! Why hate each other just for the fuck of it?
How dumbass is that? Especially considering if your are into the same thing EG Bikes, metal or rap!
Saying " I dont like you because you wear a blue bandana and I wear a red one" is just... well, I don't know, words fail me.