How Come...?


...Metalblade has so much Shit music.

They have so many bands on their label that no ones ever heard of, cuz Metalblade doesn't promote them at all.
& then some of the bands they do have that they somewhat promote suck... What's up with All That about Metalblade tryin' to cash in on the Melodic Metal/Hardcore thing...Jesus christ I know the old singer of Shadows Fall is in that band but you'd at least think they'd be able to write something different besides Shadows Fall riffs.
I also finally heard Lamb Of God, goddamn that shit sucks. & their drummer has the worst recorded kit I've ever heard on cd. He picked the worst triggered bass drum sound Ever!
Then there's Chincilla...look at the cover of their new cd. What the fuck, I've seen that pic about rippin' off someones art.
Ancient,Galactic Cowboys,& Kings X - aren't they dead yet?
& who the fuck is Mrs. Hippie, & PoundHound?
Smell The Fuzz, & Life In A Burn Clinic... Who? Goddamn they don't get any promotion.

Metalblade Needs to Drop more than Half their bands & keep signing bands like: VEHEMENCE, & keep pushin' the good stuff like:





Yeah, I'd have to agree, I've never heard of a lot of those Metalblade bands. Hopefully they push us though... We'll see what happens. But I gotta disagree with you about Lamb Of God. If you see those dudes live, I bet you'd change your mind. They kick butt. Aight, peace :muahaha:
I´ve never heard of most of those bands either. I saw ALL THAT REMAINS once.. they weren´t bad. It is a shame that Metal Blade puts so much into those sorts of bands and not into well established acts like KING DIAMOND.
...I have seen 'em live & I did think they were pretty good... actually the were heavy as fuck...I didn't even think they needed a bassist 'cuz the guitars were so damn heavy.

So yeah maybe you're right, maybe that cd doesn't do them any justice.

FuckYouIWantToDie, is Mark...right??
I have been listening to Ancient for a while now since 1998 and they create some pretty interesting stuff. I got into Dismal Euphony before them but, it opend my mind to check Ancient out.
There new album is too great, that is called Proxima Centauri.
Here is some pictures of my friend Kristin in that band.
Kristin at Dynamo 99.jpg

Glen Benton took this one of Kristin.jpg