How did you discover Nightwish?

Welcome Chris, I like your member title. A fellow DT fan, eh?

They say there aren't a lot of female DT fans running around the world, but I'm living proof of at least one!
I liked the cover of Oceanborn because of the I decided to check out the band. Bought Oceanborn and nearly crapped myself! Amazing!

That's the nutshell story. C or someone could give you the long one ;)
Indeed, DT is great...saw them the other night on Long Island...what a show!

there are MANY female DT fans. Many. I never heard that expression before :goggly:

check yer private messages.

you know me as brooklyn03willrock on the NW forum :p
you know me as brooklyn03willrock on the NW forum

Oh yeah, I do know you! I've been trying to get you to this forum forever!

there are MANY female DT fans. Many. I never heard that expression before

Really? Well, not too long ago Mike Portnoy was on the Eddie Trunk show and they were talking about how there seems to be no female DT fans. After that, a slew of women (including me) called in to say that it wasn't true. I think I was the only female who called who didn't have a boyfriend or a husband that played DT to death and that's why I'm into them. Sh*t, I only *wish* my boyfriend loved DT a fraction as much as I do!

Indeed, DT is great...saw them the other night on Long Island...what a show!

Lucky! I had to miss their show in L.A. last month. DT always has this knack for touring when I am the most broke or have absolutely no transportation. :(

check yer private messages.

I'm on it.
Hello all

im new here

i discovered the band in the early 2002, i was an stupid girl who listened only shits before, i was discovering many bands Lacuna Coil drive me to Nightwish XD the first song i listened was Sleeping song, i just love it :)
Hello all

im new here

i discovered the band in the early 2002, i was an stupid girl who listened only shits before, i was discovering many bands Lacuna Coil drive me to Nightwish XD the first song i listened was Sleeping song, i just love it :)

Heya and welcome to the forum. Sleeping Sun is a great song, it was one of my (and many peoples) early favorites too.
I was around one of the members of the band I used to be in's house on New Years Eve 2004, decided to hijack his computers music player, and found Over the Hills by a band called Nightwish. I, forever interested in new stuff thought, lets see what this is like. Was well impressed.
Actually didn't really know about them until around the time they played L'amours (just over 4 years since that show). My friend is a big fan and I had heard Century Child here and there but really kind of just decided to go to the show as a spur of the moment thing. I was over at his house the weekend before because we were going to Philly together to go to the Dracula's Ball. TM was sold out but stores near his house were still selling them. The show itself is what made me a fan. Still is the best NW concert I've been to after seeing them 3 more times in Boston, NYC, and Montreal. Prior to that I listened mostly to industrial/ebm along with a mixture of popular music (System of a Down, Tool, Jewel, Tori Amos, Evanescence, etc).
Iv'e known about them for a long time now since my vaction in Finland.

As a Death Metal fan i never really turned my attention to they're albums up untill I Wish I Had a Angel in Once and then a figured it was a one timer but what they did in Dark Passion Play is something ANY Metal(And maybe non metal) fan can listen and enjoy in any mood aswell...So i guess i'm a "New Nightwish" fan.
A couple of years ago, around the time of the release of Once, the video for "Nemo" came on and I really liked it. So then I got online and looked up all their stuff and started buying theirs albums and DVDs.
Hi, I'm new to the forum, but glad to see more Nightwish-fans on UM! :kickass:

I got into Nightwish about two or three years ago when some of my friends decided to "re-educate" me and borrowed me a few CD's.
Once was one of them and I was immediately impressed. My sister's boyfriend found out I liked Nightwish (he's a pretty big fan himself) and gave me Angels Fall First for my birthday, about a week later I had bought the other albums as well cause I'd already become completely addicted
It's good to see so many new faces at the forum, welcome all :]

@Kerttu666: Excellent! I'm especially glad to see fans who may have come on around the time Once was released, but who love everything all the way back to AFF.
Thx :)
Yeah, the first time I even ever heard of them was when the video of Nemo was shown here in Belgium, then you started noticing posters of Nightwish and stuff and they started to get more known here. But then I discovered all those previous albums and I was (happily) surprised of how good those albums are and I still can't figure out why they were never put in the spotlight (I can't seem to find a better formulation to explain what I mean) BEFORE the Nemo video. Sometimes it really surprises me how long it takes to find out about metal bands in my country (and we're in the centre of Europe for God's sake).

I guess that's just the music business, metal isn't exactly mainstream, but still : in this genre a lot of great albums are missed out on till one song suddenly gains interest and popularity, even if its not the band's best one (but don't get me wrong, I do like Nemo).
I hope I made some sense in this post :ill:
I just kinda stumbled into Nightwish. A friend owned Oceanborn years ago and I was really, really into Lacuna Coil at the time. I thought hearing a woman sing over that aggressive music was one of the coolest things I had heard. So he played a couple songs of Oceanborn for me, and I really didn't like it at first. The music was pretty good, but I didn't like the TOO operatic vocals, I couldn't really get into it.

As I became a bigger and bigger fan of Lacuna Coil, I had heard more and more here and there about how good Nightwish was, so I gave them another chance and just downloaded some random MP3's, no real pattern, just seeing what was on Limewire and downloading what was most readily available. The first song I found was "Over the Hills and Far Away" and I thought it was pretty awesome, and I liked it a LOT more than what I had heard from Oceanborn. I got more and more hooked on the song and started downloading more and more until I found the a full version of their upcoming album, Once.

I downloaded Once, listened to "Dark Chest of Wonders" and was ordering the special edition from Amazon UK minutes later. The energy and emotion of that song and that album was something I found to be missing from too much metal out there today and really pulled me in. The album absolutely shattered my perceptions that an operatic singer couldn't do metal. The rest was elementary, I got Wishmaster, then Century Child, then I got to know and love Oceanborn, then Angels Fall First and finally came back full circle to OTHAFA. Nightwish quickly escalated from a band I couldn't care less about to one of my top 5 favorite bands in a matter of weeks over the summer of 2004, all punctuated by being able to see them in NYC that August.

Ever since then my love of NW has come and gone, risen and waned, but with the release of Dark Passion Play and the excitement of seeing their new singer, my love of Nightwish has been completely restored and I am so excited for their future!
Thx :)
Yeah, the first time I even ever heard of them was when the video of Nemo was shown here in Belgium, then you started noticing posters of Nightwish and stuff and they started to get more known here. But then I discovered all those previous albums and I was (happily) surprised of how good those albums are and I still can't figure out why they were never put in the spotlight (I can't seem to find a better formulation to explain what I mean) BEFORE the Nemo video. Sometimes it really surprises me how long it takes to find out about metal bands in my country (and we're in the centre of Europe for God's sake).

I guess that's just the music business, metal isn't exactly mainstream, but still : in this genre a lot of great albums are missed out on till one song suddenly gains interest and popularity, even if its not the band's best one (but don't get me wrong, I do like Nemo).
I hope I made some sense in this post :ill:

You made perfect sense. It's much the same here in North America. "Good metal" is virtually unheard of. It is only in the last few years that it has gained any real ground here, thanks to all of the extensive touring. Before that, you had to basically be lucky to stumble onto these bands.

But yes, one "breakthrough hit" can really launch a band. However, i think we are much less likely to have the kind of music we love, such as Nightwish, get that breakthrough hit, even with a song like Nemo, here in America than in other places. The radio and video channels are dominated by the worst in vapid, commercial garbage. It has become next to impossible to get quality music played, much less accepted. The environment is too commercial, and people have come to expect and even desire that kind of thing.

For example, i remember when "Wish I Had An Angel" was released as a single, and it became fairly big news in the American Nightwish community (ie, here at the OSA) that the video would be played on the MTV show "Headbanger's Ball" (which is otherwise notorious for playing the worst stuff). The video came on with no commentary and no introduction. It was played just after a commercial break and then quickly forgotten. It was almost like they were ashamed to play it (and most assuredly money changed hands to make it happen). The vast majority of American metal kids prefer male vocals, because for them, it's all about being super hard. This is why a song like WIHAA was a better choice to introduce Nightwish than Nemo would have been. And while i can't say for sure, i suspect this became nothing more than a quickly forgotten anomaly for viewers, not something that really turned them on to Nightwish. Perhaps if they would have talked the group up before hand, it would have accomplished more, but as i said, they didn't.

I would say this is because it is the kind of music kids here aren't used to. Experience with many of my own friends would lead me to use the words "the sound is too European." But at least my friends are intelligent enough to get as far as to describe it as "that big European sound." I imagine your typical kiddie, who relies on something like Headbanger's Ball to tell them what is cool, would just say something more crude, and the media outlets here surely know it. So we don't see our kind of music, our kind of metal, hit the spotlight very often.
And you know what's really sad? Is that there was a time when Headbanger's Ball was a legitimately good show that featured all kinds of metal bands from different genres within the metal scene. I know that in my early days as a metalhead, it was that show and KNAC (a metal radio station that was in the Los Angeles area until the mid' 90s) that really pointed me towards a lot of great bands, many of which today would not get airplay on what is considered "Headbanger's Ball" today. I still watch the show because I like to keep up on what new music people are listening to, but honestly, sometimes I wish they'd change the name of the show, because the Headbanger's Ball of yesteryear and the Headbanger's Ball of today couldn't be more worlds apart.
Headbangers's Ball never aired here and I'm afraid it was before my time anyway :) But I have heard/read similar remarks like yours before. The only way 'the media' helps me to discover metal bands is trough only one hour of Rock Zone, of course on a wednesday night between midnight and 1 o'clock. And considering I go to school I have to tape it, which isn't that much trouble, but if you see all of the worthless crap that's on MTV (and other music channels) during the day, I get mad about it now and then because metal gets almost no attention, let alone the type like that of Nightwish. Even so, all they show during that hour are the already well-known video's or sometimes a new one from a band that has gotten big already. Whereas new artists that play "popular" music get loads of airing time, even though most of them don't have a hint of talent.

Not only does the media not give a fair chance to bands like Nightwish, it also influents people's impressions. As a result I've met people, who know nothing about metal and the different genres, state that Nightwish "isn't real metal" because the singer doesn't shout incomprehensive roars and there's a melody in it. "It's too pretty to be metal" wtf? I also like some bands with harsh vocals, but that's not the only genre that's out there. I can understand it if people prefer clean vocals, but there's this (wrong) stereotype of what metal sounds like and according to the media that's the only kind of metal there is. Yet when a band does not match up to that stereotype, they still refuse to give it some well deserved attention because they know it's metal. And of course, no one from the media here (and in many other places) is eager to say something about it because it doesn't reach the main audience.

I know complaining about it isn't going to change anything, but it still gets on my nerves sometimes.
Sorry for the off-topic comments, but I really needed to say this.
I know complaining about it isn't going to change anything, but it still gets on my nerves sometimes.
Sorry for the off-topic comments, but I really needed to say this.
That's OK man, we understand all too well. When I tell someone I like metal, I usually say "melodic metal"...and if they inquire further, I'll explain :)

@Turbo, your Maddie sig is hilarious :lol: