How did you discover Power Quest?

Blinded No More

Christian power metaller
Feb 18, 2011
Beyond the blue horizon :D
I'll admit it: I found out about PQ through DragonForce. (Only a matter of time before people start shooting me) I read about them on DF's Wikipedia page, then listened to Glory Tonight. Ever since then, I was hooked. I eventually got the Wings Of Forever album (took 2 months to ship), and I've been a huge fan ever since.
Found them years and years ago, way back on the original Dragonforce message board. Was looking for new power metal and got recommended them, specifically Neverworld - hooked ever since!
I had seen the name of the band Power Quest several times, pretty much from 2007/2008 time onwards when reading about past and present Dragonforce members but never got round to checking out any of their stuff for whatever reason.

When I saw their name once again sometime in mid 2009, I decided to finally check out their stuff, firstly by listening to the songs on their Myspace. The only song I remember for certain on there was Far Away and this was the song I was particularly impressed with. I also think at least one song from Master of Illusion was up at the time.

I then went on to find out that they were playing at The Vic Inn in Derby. This motivated me to try out a full Power Quest album, so I bought 'Wings of Forever'. From the first listen I was hooked and particularly loved the title track. I went on to buy the rest of the albums and out of the other three, was particularly impressed with Neverworld.

As if I needed any more convincing of how good the band was, I went to the show in Derby and loved it! And as you can see, I still remain a huge fan!
It was through youtube for 2 years ago when I watched a sound video clip with different band recommendations in power metal and the song Far Away was included so I decided to buy Wings Of Tomorrow and was instantly hooked.
This lead me to buy their entire discography except for Master of Illusion (wasn't a big fan of that album, sorry).
Mine was pretty much what Delarge said. It was when I realized my ABSOLUTE LOVE for power metal. I went on a youtube video and heard "Far Away". That's pretty much how I found them.
Well the first time I noticed Power Quest was back in 2007. I was about 13 back then and this was the time when I started to get into music (before then I listened to some Hammerfall and Nightwish, but can't say I was a fan of music really) and I was checking out songs on youtube. I remember I found some song from Neverworld, can't say exactly which one but know it was from that album, and I liked it so I kept listening to some PQ songs via youtube(mostly from Neverworld though). Then like a year later, after hearing about them again via DF I decided to check out all of their music and around this time I also bought their discography, not sure exactly when but was not long after MoI was released.
Stated in my introduction page - I discovered Power Quest back in 2006 (16 years of age) thanking my partner at the time. He let me borrow Neverworld so I can listen to it when I went away to Turkey. I had Lost Without You on repeat, absolutely blew me away. As soon as I got home I got all of their albums. Finally got the chance to see them in 2009 at Hammerfest, and then met them at the signing desk. It was honestly a dream come true meeting them.

I thank everyone in the band, current and old members, for making Power Quest a big influence for me listening to Metal. You're all terrific guys, and the quest shall live on :)
I was chatting with JamesYoung666 (who used to post on this forum in a bygone age) at the Crimson Glory gig this evening about how smug and superior we felt because we had been into PQ since Wings of Forever came out. I first saw the name Power Quest on someone's sig on the official Nightwish forum back in 2002, which was funnily enough when I was first getting into power metal. At the time they were of course being talked about a lot alongside that other UK-based power metal band that shall not be named. I downloaded the demo versions of Far Away, Follow Your Heart, Glory Tonight and Immortal Plains from the old site, which is where I discovered a lot of the music I listen to today, such as Nightwish, Blind Guardian and Dr*****orce. The first PQ song I heard was Far Away, and despite how weird and mechanical I thought the drums sounded I liked it, and it went from there.

The first time I saw them was at the Underworld in Camden in September 2004 supporting Threshold. In fact I've probably seen them over 10 times, but only twice actually seen a proper headlining gig by them, the rest being support and festival slots, including the one I saw tonight with Crimson Glory.
Similar to a few people on here it seems - was an avid listener of DF and user of MySpace, did some Wikipedia-ing about past members and Power Quest came up, checked them out on MySpace and fell in love with Temple of Fire. Purchased Neverworld and then WoF and joined the forum after the MND release.
Think I've mentioned it before but it was 2003 Bloodstock (indoor festival back then) when I was the grand young age of 22

Mate I was camping with mentioned they were cool. Saw them on the Friday night, brilliant set. Bought Wings of Forever from their merch stand and got it signed by Steve. Listened to it all the way back home on the coach on the Sunday. As a band they just blew me away and have bought every release since
i was downloading this torrent entitled "Power Metal Compilation I - VI"... Songs like "Glory Tonight" & "Temple Of Fire" was on that compilation... and I've been a fan ever since that
It's difficult to remember...

What I do remember is I used to trawl Last.FM looking for new Power Metal to add to my (at the time) very, very tiny collection of Power Metal. I bought Master of Illusion, and enjoyed it.
I only truly got into Power Quest by essentially coincidence - I was looking for music releases to review which hadn't had ones written for them yet over at SputnikMusic. I found Power Quest hadn't had reviews listed, and listened to Master of Illusion again. Only when I was listening to it closely to review it did I really get into the music - and then I picked up Magic Never Dies, loved it, then found this place!
Always interested to read how you guys discovered the band.....some of you have been with us a long time now, which is awesome!

Like me? What's it been now, 10 years? :yow: ;)

Like I said in my intro post, I'm probably one of Power Quest's very first female fans. :D

Seriously, I remember back in the old days talking to you over at the DF forums, I didn't know you were you at first as you didn't have the sig line until later.

So yeah, I found you guys on much like I found many other bands around the same time 10+ years ago. :)

Good times and great memories.
Like me? What's it been now, 10 years? :yow: ;)

Like I said in my intro post, I'm probably one of Power Quest's very first female fans. :D

Seriously, I remember back in the old days talking to you over at the DF forums, I didn't know you were you at first as you didn't have the sig line until later.

So yeah, I found you guys on much like I found many other bands around the same time 10+ years ago. :)

Good times and great memories.

Where does the time go eh? Yeah, I used to travel more incommunicado back then, so to speak....haha!