How do I growl?


Devon killed Buddy
Sep 4, 2001
Dawlat elBa7rain
No really, how do these guys do it? I gotta learn how to do it. Its not only the trend nowadays for nearly all the Swedish metal bands out there but it really brings a truly aggresive side to the music. Is there anyone who knows how to do it and knows how to teach me?? I'm a fast learner.. :grin:
Just scream your balls off in the mic... simple.

I've been working on my Devin impersonations lately... i can now sing Room 429 PERFECTLY, with all the growls... the only hard bit is the 'dont look to the oceans' section...
Scream high like black metal

Then lower the note as much as you can, but giving some of the load to your stomach ( otherwise your throat will itch and you will cough, if you avoid cough you can damage yourself )
It's all in the throat. That's where it comes from. Not like a voice but more like the opposite noise u make when being hit in the balls. hormone pills and little girls basically
Ok.. I'll give you a lesson...

Step one... Clear your throat..

Imagine that you are trying to hint to some one by clearing you throat...

that sound that is made is the basis of the growl...

Now try and do it for longer periods... try doing it high and low, and (While no one is watching) make different shapes with your mouth and throat etc... try and experiment.. and see what kind of sounds you can get..

I'm better at more high pitched black metal screams... but these are hard to acheive, and actually took me a few years to master.

I start growling along to Fear Factory, in that style, but as my music tastes changed, my voice changed, and now I can sing along to my favorite Enslaved and Emperor songs.. But I still can't imitate Mikael.. and I'm no good at low growls.. I do them higher, and I sort of do it by growling from a whisper...

Tomorrow, while no-one's home.. I might try making a recording.. Tho, I'll sound like a retard...
I'm sure you will sound like a retard, but anyhow you should defenitely upload it to the net so I could hear it :)

Check this out, today at 5am I was listening to Dan Swano - Moontower on my large headset, screaming along, and all of a sudden, my mother knocks on the door, asking me if i'm went mental or something, that was so funny... I couldn't sing anymore after that though, my throat was dead, I should save it for when I start recording...
But it doesn't compare to working as a teacher in a kindetgarten, listening to Advent on the headset... and starting to scream near the parents and children: "Shadows, shadows skulk at my coming"
Nothing compares to that... :)

I acctually went to for that word :)

1. Unworthy of serious attention; trivial: a frivolous novel.
2. Inappropriately silly: a frivolous purchase.
Put her on mute! Works every time for me! :)

How old is she?

Hehehehe... I bought Solefald - Neonism for 2$ in a big corporate store :) Screwed the music industry!!