How do I rip watershed DVD's bonus tracks in flac, to listen on ipod?

I used DVD Encrypter to rip the audio stream into one file.
I then used Goldwave to split the tracks and create .wav files for each song.
Once you have the individual .wav files, you can convert them to .mp3 or .flac or .wma or whatever.

I found this method on the web. I won't post the link here but you should be able to google it. Type "rip audio using DVD decrypter" and look at the second item that comes up. It should talk about Goldwave and DVD Decrypter. It is really easy to do and I believe all the software is freeware. Goldwave has a trial version that you can use.

I did this for the bonus tracks on Watershed and for Lamentations. It worked out pretty nice. Now I have lossless files that I can listen to whenever I want without screwing around with the DVD.