How do mix drums?

what is so bad about 4chan? somebody elaborate please? I don't even know what 4chan is :(

It's visit /b/ (random) & /s/ (sexy beautiful women)

Some of the funniest shit comes out of there. Some of the worst shit comes out of there. Be careful. :heh:

example: Might not be to your taste. Might not even understand it till you spend about 20 mins there. Most of my crazy pictures and "motivationals" came from there one way or another. I personally don't visit there much.


Don't become a /b/tard.
It's visit /b/ (random) & /s/ (sexy beautiful women)

Some of the funniest shit comes out of there. Some of the worst shit comes out of there. Be careful. :heh:

example: Might not be to your taste. Might not even understand it till you spend about 20 mins there. Most of my crazy pictures and "motivationals" came from there one way or another. I personally don't visit there much.


Don't become a /b/tard.

Hahahahaha, pretty accurate really!!
It's visit /b/ (random) & /s/ (sexy beautiful women)

Some of the funniest shit comes out of there. Some of the worst shit comes out of there. Be careful. :heh:

example: Might not be to your taste. Might not even understand it till you spend about 20 mins there. Most of my crazy pictures and "motivationals" came from there one way or another. I personally don't visit there much.


Don't become a /b/tard.

I am laughing out loud right now over that. Thank you sir.
By the way, I just received my "How do mix drums? ¯\(°_o)/¯" tshirt (thanks Daunt!!). It's so fucking rad. How epic is this thread that it has it's own tshirt?! Has this ever happened? Is it historical? Is this the first ever thread to have it's own tshirt? Fucking epic.

Next step: Sneap forum band needs to write a song: "How do mix drums?"

I love this place.
No shit I want that shirt too! I am currently gigging a lot with my band (big record deal, too! with all the problems, too! :D) and that shirt is a must have.

How do get shirt?
By the way, I just received my "How do mix drums? ¯(°_o)/¯" tshirt (thanks Daunt!!). It's so fucking rad. How epic is this thread that it has it's own tshirt?! Has this ever happened? Is it historical? Is this the first ever thread to have it's own tshirt? Fucking epic.

Next step: Sneap forum band needs to write a song: "How do mix drums?"

I love this place.

Once it's rolling it will never be stopped... like the Dawson's Creek Trapper Keeper Ultra Keeper Futura S 2000

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