How do more inputs? ¯\(°_o)/¯


Apr 25, 2012
Boston, MA
So right now I am currently running a M Audio Fast Track Ultra with Pro Tools MP8. It has been ok up until now but it has come time to update the home studio. My total budget is around $2K. I am running a PC laptop with no firewire (or PCI slots to expand) so USB is the only option for now.

I am thinking of getting the Steinberg UR824 ( I have heard good things about about the preamps and the 16 channels of ADAT I/O are looking really attractive. I know I will have to bite the bullet and upgrade Pro Tools to 10 ($400) so that puts my total at around $1200. If I go this route I will likely spend the remainder on mics and/or plugins.

Any suggestions? I need to get at least 8 XLR inputs with pres and would like ADAT for future expandability.
Any recommendations on the interface/pres? I decided on the audix dp5a (includes D6, D2x2, D4 and i5) and oktava mc012 to upgrade my drum mics. I got both for under $1000 (audix was b stock and oktava was a used pair) so I think I made out pretty good.
If you can spend 2k, look for a different mainboard, one with a firewire, if your cpu and memory isnt too old it should be easy enough to find. Will be alot easyer to choose an interface also. If usb 2.0 is fast enough these to handle 16 channels, i dunno, do what you want.
i decided on the steinberg (got one for $689 shipped)... it was either that or the fireface UC for about $700 more. this one has more inputs/pres though and more ADAT connections. plus i have yet to find a bad review. will post back once i have a chance to test it out.