how do pod xt into cab for live use?


Jan 11, 2009
Brisbane, Australia
hey guys.

I've just started a new band and it looks like I'll be travelling alot by trains to things such as practice.With this problem I dont want to be taking a head,cab and guitar.(simply cause I wouldn't be able to carry them all)

so I am looking for a cheap,easy way to run my pod into a cab as I can borrow cabs at the places we practice.

someone suggested a crate powerblock but what other options are out there? and how would I use it such as poweramps?

your help is appreciated.

You need a power amp, go solid state for convenience, the best two in terms of bang-for-buck are the Tubeworks Mosvalve and Hafler G150 (also called Digitech G150), both out of production now but there are always a few available on ebay, at least here in the US - I prefer the Hafler/Digitech because it has a bridged mono mode, but the Mosvalve has decent power on one channel (75 watts I think) so it's not too much of an issue