How do the SWEDES do it?

Hahh you know Roxette? Classic, haha. And there's Ace of Base too! All you fans out melodic swedish death metal out here on the forum should check out those bands to see where they've taken the inspiration from. raaah...
Patric said:
Hahh you know Roxette? Classic, haha. And there's Ace of Base too! All you fans out melodic swedish death metal out here on the forum should check out those bands to see where they've taken the inspiration from. raaah...
Nothing wrong with a bit of Melody in METAL. Can't listen to DARKTHRONE all the time! :cool:
Fuck Darkthrone, fuck all black metal, even. When I'm bitching about the Swedish scene it's cause I think all sound the same. So don't get me wrong friend, I don't mind melodies at all.
metal devi said:
I think there are many good bands in Sweden. I used to be a fan of "Europe" long ago. I haven't heard from them since ages. "The final countdown " was a great song.

Don't forget Cherokee and Ninja, those were true masterpieces of songwriting.

And to weigh in on the historical debate, I don't believe any of the affected peoples should put aside their emotions and look at things from an objective historical perspective as long as there are still Nazi war criminals alive and free, and German corporations who profited from forced labor that still haven't made full reparations.
Patric said:
Fuck Darkthrone, fuck all black metal, even.QUOTE]

AHahhahahahahahhaahahahahh! Here it comes again the antiblack metal soul!!!! AHahahhaahahahahahahahh! Lets step over these slim ones, man! Might is right! Only who is more than 80 kgs deserves to be considered as a man!!!! AHahhaahhahahahhaahhaahh!:headbang:
Hahah could you sense my hatred coming up, there? It's very good to have this mentality :headbang: Yeah, 80 kilos over, definately-man I went to the Italian store today with only fresh and imported 100% Roman products, I felt like :OMG: with all the good stuff. So, I'm now home with 10 very good meat balls, Herb bread, 2 very big sandwhiches with dried tomato mozzarella meat etc., and a kind of baked thing with eggs and stuff in it, I'm not quite sure what it is but I'll send you a picture and see if you recognize.
@ Golden Hall (not only but I use his comment for some general explanations)
Part 1:
Bla bla bla.....I tell you man, these "alive Nazi war criminals" are almost all dead or so old, that this happens in the next years. The generation that founded the 3.Reich is almost non existand anymore, AND the most of them had to leave Germany after WW2 ('cuz of persecution) and so became unimportant, so this argument isn't a really good one, but read the explanation of Part 2 as well.

Part 2:
Why pay reparations? I know that this question provokes, but tell me. I'm really interested in.
I give you my points. First of all I have to say that I give a shit about the earlier generations and I don't feel that I'm
responsible for shit they did, 'cuz I haven't taken part in it AND 'cuz I DAMN FUCKIN' WASN'T ALIVE IN THIS FUCKED UP TIME!!!
You have to see that the leading people out of this time are out of duty, so they "should" be no problem anymore, but we all know that this is wrong. The problem is that in every country's politicians just do what they want, regardless what the population thinks about so I can happen that the policy is different from the thoughts of the whole people. They listen to "the old daddie's friends" and shit like that, so that is a real problem, but we can't solve this 'cuz we aren't important enough to get the inofficial
stuff and to see the truth behind the curtain of politics and economy which co-operate together, which is another problem.
In the end you won't be able to solve this problem, so I think its better to start anew.

@ Tomasz:
As seen above it all about politics, so I can only speak for myself, and I don't look for any trouble with any of the peoples
the Nazis damaged , 'cuz ,as above, I wasn't alive. This is a fact of many people which get the blame for shit they haven't
done, or getting the shit 'cuz of some prejudices which the politicians have, but not the population of the country.
That will never change 'cuz these bastards of fuckheads in the leading levels are too old (50+), and they didn't manage to
rethink about everything. What is important ,too, is no to set a population of a nation equal to the policy. It won't work and will only lead to wrong
results. SO just be smarter then the rest.
You understand me?

I think everything is explained in the above texts, so got my ideas and I don't repeat so everything's fine.

I hope everything's understandable. If not, ask:)
I have to add something.....Nazism sucks, commmunism sucks, Roman Empire was the only kingdom on earth that brought something good for the evolution of the human life...warm water, laws and good food!!!!!! Agree or return to clean your butt with leaves!!!!!
Eisbär said:
@ Tomasz:
As seen above it all about politics, so I can only speak for myself, and I don't look for any trouble with any of the peoples
the Nazis damaged , 'cuz ,as above, I wasn't alive. This is a fact of many people which get the blame for shit they haven't
done, or getting the shit 'cuz of some prejudices which the politicians have, but not the population of the country.
That will never change 'cuz these bastards of fuckheads in the leading levels are too old (50+), and they didn't manage to
rethink about everything. What is important ,too, is no to set a population of a nation equal to the policy. It won't work and will only lead to wrong
results. SO just be smarter then the rest.
You understand me?
To tell you the truth, no.
Theredintheskyisours said:
Every country ate Poland! They just can't ever get a break in warfare much like France! (With the exceptions of Napolean and people like that.)

Not every but Poland's geographical location (from political view) is the worst there is in Europe. Not to make poland look like some weakling there were times when we were kicking some ass (up to the 17th century) but those are long gone. Even now that we're part of NATO I don't think it makes things any better/safer. Given Russia decides to attack poland or some other easatern european countries I doubt the US would ever intervene. The country is of too little importance (no oil, no $$$) to risk nuclear war. Instead of joing NATO they should have joined forces with Czechs and Hungarians perhaps and get some nukes. Only then it would give some kind of sense of security.
Eisbär said:
Bla bla bla.....I tell you man, these "alive Nazi war criminals" are almost all dead or so old, that this happens in the next years. The generation that founded the 3.Reich is almost non existand anymore, AND the most of them had to leave Germany after WW2 ('cuz of persecution) and so became unimportant, so this argument isn't a really good one

I think you missed the point. I'm just reminding you that some of the criminals who committed these atrocities are still around, as well as are many of their victims, so it was not that long ago. And these criminals left Germany because of prosecution, not persecution, maybe you made a mistake with your english, but persecution implies they were being unjustly treated.

Eisbär said:
Part 2: Why pay reparations? I know that this question provokes, but tell me. I'm really interested in.
I give you my points. First of all I have to say that I give a shit about the earlier generations and I don't feel that I'm
responsible for shit they did, 'cuz I haven't taken part in it AND 'cuz I DAMN FUCKIN' WASN'T ALIVE IN THIS FUCKED UP TIME!!!

Again, you missed my point, I never said you or your family should personally be held accountable for reparations, but the corporations who profited from slave labor certainly should be.

Have you ever met a holocaust survivor and heard about their experience in person? Perhaps that would give you a different perspective.