How do the SWEDES do it?

@ Golden:
Jupp, made a mistake with my English. I have learned the word without the implication and never found your explanation in any of my dictionaries, so yeah.....:) THX for givin the addition.
Some of them are really around but they are at the age of 80 or something like that, but I have written that before....
You won't get them, 'cuz the most are underground, in other countries or live anonymous.

My exapmle is the same for every company which had "slaves". The leader has changed and so the new owner of the whole shit doesn't see, why HE should.

Yeah, I have met holocaust victims and to say the truth, the points mentioned would are the same for every political or war victim, and everybody would react in a similar way. Thats war, and war isn't fair. You know that, I know that.

Have you read the part for Golden Hall? And still not understood? Interested in explanations 'cuz I won't argue you with unnessecary stuff?
Man, we need a fucking war in Europe!!! Some action and free gym for all the lazy coward asses living with fastfoods and plastic swords necklaces! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!:rock: :hotjump:
Eisbär said:
My exapmle is the same for every company which had "slaves". The leader has changed and so the new owner of the whole shit doesn't see, why HE should.

But HE isn't the one paying reparations, the company he is employed by IS, the same company that profited from the use of forced labor. I see it as the same entity, it's not like the company had a kid, and now you're going after the kid for payment. I just feel that the families, or, in some now admittedly rare cases, the actual worker, should be compensated for any profit the company may have generated on the backs of forced laborers.

Eisbär said:
Yeah, I have met holocaust victims and to say the truth, the points mentioned would are the same for every political or war victim, and everybody would react in a similar way. Thats war, and war isn't fair. You know that, I know that.

Yeah, but we weren't talking about other wars, and I know war isn't fair; it was never supposed to be. The holocaust was not a war, it was genocide, and there certainly is a difference. The Nazi's turned mass murder into an efficient machine with full backing from Germany's government and massive industrial complex. And don't forget that near the end of the war, Hitler was even pulling desperately needed resources from his armies to keep the death camps online. The scale of killing was unprecedented, it's difficult to find many other situations that warrant comparison, IMO
The company as it wouldn't do nothing 'cuz its nothing more then stone and other shit. A head is needed, and this head is human, so it is like going for the payment - run. At least for me...:)
Its like "The owner before did shit, I didn't, so why should I ?". Thats the whole situation 'cuz every company wants to be successful, and so reparations are no objects of discussion.
He thinks "That is MINE and I don't do it 'cuz I need the cash and I don't see the point". So thats difficult. All in all you're right Golden, but there are the issues I have mentioned. There's a huge gap between the right in morals and the final thoughts and deeds. And THIS strikes back in the extreme way here.

You could see this genocide as a small liberated war in Germany itself (finally it got such dimensions). It was a cleansing action, and so a kind of war.
And for Adolf it was a personal war too.....
Yeah, the rest I do know;)

But, we're talking about WW2 and we forget the whole shit happened in Africa, or South America.... Yeah, here you have a comparison.

@ Cadarn:
We don't need wars, we need personal fights 'cuz here you have face-to-face action and not "who shoots first" or "which sniper has the better position".....;)
Ahhahahahah! Yeah, I agree with you, man! But what if everybodys got a personal face to face struggle everyday? I have a pretty negative and pessimistic opinion about the direction this world is getting into...soon or later all these small social conflicts will take over, more and more and this will bring to a HUGE global conflict where I dont think one is allowed to say "thats only a problem of mine". Is better to get ready so, and Im not talking about defending countries and idiotic stuff like that, then will be time to defend our right to LIVE not the one to just survive. The thing Ive learned living in Italia is that you get back only the things you bled for, nothing is for granted. Ive lived in Sweden and there it seems to be this very careful and big social assistance the state gives to cityzens, soon as something goes a little different from the way is suppose to be...they go crazy! Im not talking about all the people but the major part of the ones Ive met there. I just think the rest of the world is different. You fight and you win, you just sit and complain and you are tamed and conquered.
Better words have never been spoken brother, I agree 100% of what you said about fighting for what you believe in, and fighting to reach whatever goal you want to change or improve your life...There is really no point in living life only to criticize or whine, it takes you nowhere after all and probably fucks up more in life than you will know. As for the wellfare situation, it's the same fucking thing in all rich little countries, like you said in Svezia and here in Danimarca too. What do people really WANT over here, it's a big mystery for me...
Ah, well, I think right where the people got lots of money and somebody always taking care of their problems is then that they search for strange stuff to fuck up their minds and to invent stuff to make their lifes a bit more interesting, humanity, man, humanity is fucking up the planet!!!!!
That's what we also spoke about before, you see the situation in Svezia with these retarded fucking assholes, very young people, having nothing better to do than do fuck things up and get invovled in pointless destructive ideologies!
AHahahahahahhh! Yeah, that fat lazy ass!!! maybe he uses to have even sex with Bush! Anyway, apart Berlusconi, I would never exachange another country for Italia! is wild, is cool, is totally outlawed! The way a place should be!!!
Theres a silent agreement here...politicians do the hell they want....but even the cityzens then are justified to do the same............hell yeah......!!!
Lions, whips, unheathen ones...let the spectacle begins!!! Ad aeternitate, ad bestias!!!! Yeah, man, it works both ways...they try to fool us and we give them lots of troubles!!!!!
Hhaha I LOVE Italy, can we do an immigration like in the US for a century ago, with 2-3 million Italianos coming over here to Scandinavia? This place needs some fucking spice 'n' passion, know what I'm saying?
Man, when Roma will rise again I will lead personally the legions aup there to show that the roman heat is 1000 times more effective than the nordic ice!!!
Ahahahahahahh! Man! In centuries of battles the roman legions came out always victorious, legends apart saying that this aint true. But Im half celt too, Im a basque, just Ive sent myself to the enlightened divine path, the one of Roma! Pass by this side and you will gain freedom and power! Ave mater Roma victrix, ad aeternitate, gloria aeterna!!! :)