How do they rate for you!?

Raintime - 7
Communic - 8
Virgin Steele - 7
Redemption - 5
Pagan's Mind - 8
Sonata Arctica - 9

Firewind - 2
Threshold - 9
Primal Fear - 4
After Forever - 8
All Star Jam - 5

Cellador - 7
Krucible - Not Really Sure Yet
Freak Kitchen - 9
Vanden Plas - 10
Raintime - 7.8
Communic - 7.6
Virgin Steele - 6.2 (Least favorite band on the bill!)
Redemption - 7.0
Pagan's Mind - 10.0
Sonata Arctica - 9.7

Firewind - 8.6
Threshold - 7.5
Primal Fear - 9.7
After Forever - 9.5
All Star Jam - 9.9

Cellador - 8.4
Krucible - Don't know.
Freak Kitchen - 9.3
Vanden Plas - 8.8
Raintime - 10
Communic - 5
Virgin Steele - 7
Redemption - 9
Pagan's Mind - 10
Sonata Arctica - 10

Firewind - 10
Threshold - 9
Primal Fear - 4
After Forever - 6
All Star Jam - 6

Cellador - 7
Krucible - 5
Freak Kitchen - 1
Vanden Plas - 7
Krucible - 8 (As much as I loved Pyramaze last year, I'm sure they will impress - plus, I get to see them this Saturday so I'll be all warmed up!)
Cellador - 5
Freak Kitchen - 11
Vanden Plas - 9

Raintime - 1
Communic - 6
Virgin Steele - 0.1
Redemption - 11
Pagan's Mind - 9
Sonata Arctica - 7

Firewind - 7
Threshold - 7 (I only have the new CD w/Mac, so I don't know how they'll sound to my ears with Damian)
Primal Fear - 8
After Forever - 8
All Star Jam - 11
Krucible - 8 (MySpace)
Cellador - 2
Freak Kitchen - 15!
Vanden Plas - 9

Raintime - 1
Communic - 5
Virgin Steele - 3
Redemption - 11
Pagan's MInd - 7.5
Sonata Arctica - 2

Firewind - 7
Threshold - 8
Primal Fear - 1.5
After Forever - 1
All Star Jam - 10
Raintime - 8
Communic - 7
Virgin Steele - 10
Redemption - 9.5
Pagan's Mind - 10
Sonata Arctica - 7

Firewind - 8
Threshold - 7.5
Primal Fear - 10
After Forever 9
All Star Jam - 9.5 - high-score for rare/unique show

Krucible 11
Cellador 8
Freak Kitchen 9
Vanden Plas 10

Krucible will receive high honors after this show! I'm willing to make a wager with anyone who thinks otherwise.
I haven't been this excited about a band in a long time!

Primal Fear is going to surprise everyone! The crew will have to rebuild the stage - they'll be nothing left of it! :D
John John John....

Virgin Steele a 2?

A Thorn grips my voice, no more from me now
Yet if this House could speak what a Tale it could tell
Of Savage Murder, Betrayal, Ravenous Feasting and a Daimon with an
Unquenchable thirst for Blood and Torn Flesh!!!
No, no more from me, let actions speak! AWAKE!!!


Sorry bro, i gave them a good listen (most of their cd's), and the singer just completely ruins them for me. :erk:
Sorry bro, i gave them a good listen (most of their cd's), and the singer just completely ruins them for me. :erk:

If that list didn't include The Marriage of Heaven & Hell Part I, see if there's any way to listen to it prior to PP. I can't possibly imagine Defeis' vocals ruining that one for you - the style is a bit different, more rangy, melodic & less rough than on future releases.

Raintime - 4
Communic - 7
Virgin Steele - 4
Redemption - 6
Pagan's Mind - 9
Sonata Arctica - 8

Firewind - 6
Threshold - 6
Primal Fear - 6
After Forever- 3
All Star Jam - ?

Krucible- 7
Cellador- 3
Freak Kitchen- 2
Vanden Plas- 6
I have a tough time trying to give some universal 1-10 rating comparing them all to every other band I know and love, so here is my order with them ranked only against each other for what sets I'm most excited to see (1) and least excited about (11).

Communic - 1
Primal Fear - 2
Sonata Arctica - 3
Firewind - 4
Threshold - 5
Redemption - 6
Virgin Steele - 7
Pagan's Mind - 8
All Star Jam - 9
After Forever - 10
Raintime - 11
I have a tough time trying to give some universal 1-10 rating comparing them all to every other band I know and love, so here is my order with them ranked only against each other for what sets I'm most excited to see (1) and least excited about (11).

I prefer this method as well.

For me:

Virgin Steele (1)
All Star Jam (2)
Communic (3)
Sonata Arctica (4)
Raintime (5)
Pagan's Mind (6)
Primal Fear (7)
Firewind (8)
Redemption (9)
Threshold (10)
After Forever (11)

Can't wait, it's getting soooooo close !!

Raintime - 6
Communic - 6
Virgin Steele - 6
Redemption - 9
Pagan's MInd - 9
Sonata Arctica - 9

Firewind - 6
Threshold - 10
Primal Fear - 6
After Forever 9
All Star Jam - 7

Krucible 6
Cellador 6
Freak Kitchen 9
Vanden Plas 10
Raintime - 6
Communic - 6
Virgin Steele - 9
Redemption - 8
Pagan's MInd - 9.5
Sonata Arctica - 10

Firewind - 7
Threshold - 7
Primal Fear - 8
After Forever 9
All Star Jam - 7

Krucible 6.5
Cellador 7
Freak Kitchen 7.5
Vanden Plas 10

WHAT AN AWESOME LINE UP!!!! Not a dog in the bunch and several great bands!
When am I going to be able to chat it up and drink beer???

LOL I was wondering the same thing. Make sure you tell The Michael no beer missles this year :lol::rock:
I am also going to use the method of "sets I'm most excited to see". The reason for this is most of the bands on the bill I know little, or in some cases nothing, about so I can't really assess them fairly using the method that was employed when this thread began.

Sonata Arctica (1)
Absolutely love this band -- one of my very favorites! I don't think I'll ever tire of seeing them.

Pagan's Mind (2)
Never thought I'd have a chance to see this band live. Can't wait!

Firewind (3)
Gus G.! I like his work in his other projects too: Dream Evil, Mystic Prophecy, Nightrage.

Redemption (4)
Saw them open for Dream Theater earlier this year and I thought they were very good! I only have one CD by this band ("The Fullness of Time") and I think it is brilliant. I look forward to hearing more.

Threshold (5)
I only have one CD by this band ("Subsurface") but really like it a lot. I'm looking forward to hearing more.

All Star Jam (6)
I think many of us are going to be pleasantly surprised by this!

Primal Fear (7)
Yet another band for which I only have one CD ("Black Sun") and I think it is quite good. I've listened to other CDs but none have really stood out although that was quite some time ago. I'm looking forward to seeing them live because I think I will like a lot more of their material this time around.

After Forever (8)
Christ, yet another band for which I only have one CD ("Remagine"). Sensing a pattern? Actually I like the CD although I haven't listened to it often. I need to play it again. I'm not really familiar with their material otherwise at all so I'm looking forward to their performance to see what this band is all about.

Raintime (9)
Well, let's see, you guessed it, I only have the CD "Tales From Sadness" but I think it is very solid. I look forward to seeing what this band is capable of in concert.

Virgin Steele (10)
The "only have one CD" pattern ends here. Regrettably, I know absolutely nothing about this band at all. Thus, seeing them perform will serve as an educational experience of sorts.

Communic (11)
I know nothing about this band either so, just as for Virgin Steele, seeing them perform will educate me about what they're capable of.

All in all I can't really say there's any band I'm not looking forward to seeing perform since I feel I lag behind most of my fellow forum members in knowing who's who and what they can do. I'm quite interested in seeing who will surprise me!
Krucible - 0...they haven't done anything
Cellador - 7
Freak Kitchen - 4
Vanden Plas - 9.5

Raintime - 4
Communic - 8
Virgin Steele - 3
Redemption - 9
Pagan's Mind - 8
Sonata Arctica - 9

Firewind - 5
Threshold - 8
Primal Fear - 4
After Forever - 4
All Star Jam - meh