How do you EQ guitars that used several mic positions?


New Metal Member
Feb 15, 2007
For example, in a quad tracked project where each take was reamped twice, on axis and off axis - would you eq each take or the group bus, balancing both takes to get more treble, more midrange, more bass, whatever...accordingly to the mic position?
That's what I'm doing: Balancing takes, adjusting the phase in Nuendo delay compensation, which actually is excellent cause it can deal with values below 1ms, sending each take to a mono group, C4, and eq, then I can automate the group instead of having to do that in each take, althought I'm planning to automate each take to balance the spectral content accordingly to the section of the songs.
Well, any ideas?
What you are doing is ok. I would do it the same way, but don´t think that phase cancellation is always bad, phase is great EQ. But without listening to what you are listening is pratically impossible to give any good advice. Trust your judgement.
Well, actually I didn't mean putting the tracks in phase with each other, I'm doing what you mentioned and adjusting till it sounds good, when the guitar seems to be more "in your face" in this case, my face. What I genereally do is check which guitar is ahead in time and then play with the delay compensation in that track...thanks, or better... valeu!! abraço!
For example, in a quad tracked project where each take was reamped twice, on axis and off axis - would you eq each take or the group bus, balancing both takes to get more treble, more midrange, more bass, whatever...accordingly to the mic position?
That's what I'm doing: Balancing takes, adjusting the phase in Nuendo delay compensation, which actually is excellent cause it can deal with values below 1ms, sending each take to a mono group, C4, and eq, then I can automate the group instead of having to do that in each take, althought I'm planning to automate each take to balance the spectral content accordingly to the section of the songs.
Well, any ideas?

bus to a stereo group then eq there
^ That's what I do.

I quad track with 2 mics and 2 heads, so for rhythms I have 8 tracks (4 "takes") to deal with. I set the different mic tracks to my desired blend (for me my on axis mics are 3dB louder than off) for each "take" and then buss it to 2 stereo busses - 1 for my 6505+, 1 for my Divinity so I can further blend those amp the way I like and automate the amp mixes themselves. If need be, I can also EQ each amp's tone. I then send those 2 busses to another stereo buss to control the overall rhythm guitar level and automate. I apply my LPF and HPF and overall EQ tweaks here as well as a little bit of C4 (I compress 150-250Hz). This works very well for me and helps me keep everything in order by using this "funnelled" signal chain.
^ That's what I do.

I quad track with 2 mics and 2 heads, so for rhythms I have 8 tracks (4 "takes") to deal with. I set the different mic tracks to my desired blend (for me my on axis mics are 3dB louder than off) for each "take" and then buss it to 2 stereo busses - 1 for my 6505+, 1 for my Divinity so I can further blend those amp the way I like and automate the amp mixes themselves. If need be, I can also EQ each amp's tone. I then send those 2 busses to another stereo buss to control the overall rhythm guitar level and automate. I apply my LPF and HPF and overall EQ tweaks here as well as a little bit of C4 (I compress 150-250Hz). This works very well for me and helps me keep everything in order by using this "funnelled" signal chain.

how do you pan those 8 tracks and do you use leads then?
and did you record you guitar by yourself? great tone man!
what micpreamp did you use?
^ My band is recording now, and I was really speaking more about the way I'm currently doing things. I'm assuming you're referring to the Myspace songs by my band. Those were a bit different than what I'm doing now.


I tend to pan my tracks all hard left and right. Sometimes I'll go 2 takes at 100% and then 2 tracks at 80, but I think I like them all 100% better and then maybe automate the panning at certain parts of songs for effect.

On the VERY rare occasion I have a melody line (I definitely ain't no soloist), I tend to go up the middle, if there is more than 1 guitar I'll do a slight stereo split for effect.

On the Myspace clips, there really isn't any lead lines. Those clips are all 6505+ through a Mesa oversized
4x12, two 57's -one on and one off axis, on different speakers about 1-2 inches off the edge of the dustcap. I also blended in a hint of Senny e609 on axis on another speaker, but if I took that out of the mix you'd never notice. I didn't care for that mic and sold it. I didn't LPF or HPF and I didn't use the C4 settings for the EP.

And, yes, I do all my own guitar tracks. My setup is very meager compared to most on here. For the EP (the songs on Myspace), I used my Presonus Firepod and the included Cubase LE. I still use the Firepod, but have moved up to Nuendo.

Thanks for the compliments. Usually when I get on here, I'm humbled and ready to throw everything on ebay...Dudes here get seriously great results with their gear and talent. Hopefully on our upcoming album I'll be able to step it up a notch with the things I've learned here...Now if I could only upgrade my gear... ;)