^+1 all he said! Certainly the way to go if you can afford it!I opened my own record label with a friend (www.l-tracks.com) to have some "legitimate" backing after getting off of my old label.
It's a lot of work, but a lot of fun also. And much more expensive than you originally think. You also realize once again that everyone is making money, except for the beginner/lower-level bands - regardless of what people are telling everyone.
Payola is alive and well and really, ANY band with a little money in their pockets can just buy their way into the mags. That's what the record labels do. It's has nothing to do with quality. They'll simply find someone to review you and interview you who will like your music. In your case that will be easy because it is actually good.
Then again, good music never helped anyone, reallyit's all about who you know and who you are "buddy-buddy" with so they will help you out down the line. If you keep sitting in your home and not going out to the clubs and gigs and meeting people and drinking with them and making a good impression, no one will ever do anything for you. Studio projects only work if you already have a name and people are looking for your stuff.
Maybe you can pay a promotion agency to do that for you. (Might turn out cheaper in the end.)
Don't think so. There was a band in a band contest that had a girl in a bathing suit on stage. she had a poster with here that promised she'd be naked next time if the band made it to the final round.Boobies. Hands down. Guaranteed to double your popularity.
Well, the band is no more and she looked quite good actually!