How do you pronounce Bjorn's last name?

The 'o' (I can't do the umlat on my keyboard) is pronounced like you're saying 'o' and 'e' at the same time so it's kind of like 'err'. The 'd' is pronounced more like a 't'. Oh, and the 's' is pronounced more like a 'z'.

Roughly, it's 'Ztrermblet'.

Maybe someone from Sweden could correct where I've gone wrong.
Devillicus said:
The 'o' (I can't do the umlat on my keyboard) is pronounced like you're saying 'o' and 'e' at the same time so it's kind of like 'err'. The 'd' is pronounced more like a 't'. Oh, and the 's' is pronounced more like a 'z'.

Roughly, it's 'Ztrermblet'.

Maybe someone from Sweden could correct where I've gone wrong.

HUH he said Bjorn not Jesper.
I think the 'Ge' is pronounced with a H.