How do you tell your parents they're...

When my wife got pregnant for the first time i called mom and said asked if I could get her to have a car ride. She tought that was weird comingo from me (i really dislike driving around on the place i live). I started talking and suddently said ´youre gonna be a grandma´. She almost choked to death eheheh
"mom dad, great news, IM GAY"

Also congrats to you and the mrs.

Edit- Or show them this thread and let them know that people from literally all over the world found out before they did
Just slip it into normal conversation and see if they notice, that's what we did with my mother.

"Yeah we figure that if we start work on the kitchen now, it'll be done in plenty of time and from there we'll start on the other bedroom, but we have a good 6 months until the baby comes so we're all set there. By then we figure we can start framing out the basement."

When I got to "By then we figure..." she had fallen out of her seat, screaming "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT????" :)

Congrats Jon!!!!!!!!!!!
My parents had no idea who my kids mom was so I can only imagine how awkward it was for all involved haha. I look back now and realize I should have called them and warned them myself, but eh I'm sure my dad had a good laugh when some random girl showed up at the door balling her eyes out.
I figure I should probably tell my dad sometime before we all take a road trip across the country this summer LOL.

My mom lives 3 hours away and my dad lives on the other side of the country. I don't see them very often.