
Dictator of Laughter
Mar 28, 2004
Bold Savage Land ENGLAND
After the Billy joke :)erk: )... i was thinking how i'd like to go....

After a magical meal including a very sweet pudding mmmmm one would like to retire to the TV room just at the moment of kick-off of the FA CUP FINAL between the MIGHTY West Ham United vs the SCUM that is Manchester United with a real cold can of Red Stripe perched on the arm of my fav chair .... when a breaking news story inturpts the coverage which i must add ,the game is going all West Ham's way :headbang: ...WAR IN THE MIDDLE EAST HAS ENDED...ALL MUSLIMS DEAD...NO U.S OR BRITISH CASULTIES:heh: .... i jump outta my chair (not spilling a drop:kickass: ), can today get any better...1.0 :lol: the door bell goes & upon answering i'm pleased to see a familiar face JENNA HAZE has aparently broken down on the freeway and was wondering if i could help her:cool: ... i off course ablige as long as i can watch the game first:saint: 2.0 now :) ..the wistle goes half-time, JENNA comments that i'm quite a looker and wonders if i'd mind if she gave me a bit of head as i'm driving her wild:OMG: I'd be rude not to help a girl in need.....DOES IT GET ANY BETTER......Well the ending is DEATH but a nice death JENNA cant control herself a bites instead of sucks i die in no pain as the shock (yep West Ham scored again !!!!:lol: ) kills me straight away:rolleyes:

How do you want to go ? Have fun.....

p.s. Bill, must admit i was quite shocked at first then amussed then i thought shit your my Jim Morrison you fucker :headbang:
In a plane crash coming home from a killer vacation in the far east.....oh yeah and I want to be 90,sipping a cocktail, and listening to Slayer.............................
After the Billy joke :)erk: )... i was thinking how i'd like to go....

After a magical meal including a very sweet pudding mmmmm one would like to retire to the TV room just at the moment of kick-off of the FA CUP FINAL between the MIGHTY West Ham United vs the SCUM that is Manchester United with a real cold can of Red Stripe perched on the arm of my fav chair .... when a breaking news story inturpts the coverage which i must add ,the game is going all West Ham's way :headbang: ...WAR IN THE MIDDLE EAST HAS ENDED...ALL MUSLIMS DEAD...NO U.S OR BRITISH CASULTIES:heh: .... i jump outta my chair (not spilling a drop:kickass: ), can today get any better...1.0 :lol: the door bell goes & upon answering i'm pleased to see a familiar face JENNA HAZE has aparently broken down on the freeway and was wondering if i could help her:cool: ... i off course ablige as long as i can watch the game first:saint: 2.0 now :) ..the wistle goes half-time, JENNA comments that i'm quite a looker and wonders if i'd mind if she gave me a bit of head as i'm driving her wild:OMG: I'd be rude not to help a girl in need.....DOES IT GET ANY BETTER......Well the ending is DEATH but a nice death JENNA cant control herself a bites instead of sucks i die in no pain as the shock (yep West Ham scored again !!!!:lol: ) kills me straight away:rolleyes:

How do you want to go ? Have fun.....

p.s. Bill, must admit i was quite shocked at first then amussed then i thought shit your my Jim Morrison you fucker :headbang:

I want everything exactly as you have put it. But I'm not a huge EPL fan, so I would swap that with the USA winning the world cup...a pint of Beamish or Brahma, and Jenna Haze..yep that works. (minus the penis biting)

If not that, then a bunch of naked chicks on rollerskates chasing me off a cliff into my own coffin which is at my funeral on the beach.:headbang:

Actually, Id like to take alot of people with me, so maybe Ill go jihad Mecca with a nuke.
i'm not dying. i'm being raptured outta this place.
when the gigantic astroid destroys the earth, I shall be one of the few survivors to get life on earth started back up again.

I wanna be the last man on earth.

Can you imagine how terrible that would actually be?? Tons of women, bleeding all the time..Jesus..just smite me now.
i'm not dying. i'm being raptured outta this place.

Will 40 virgins be waiting for you or will it only be Kirk Cameron? Or are the virgins just for crazy Muslims? I have to say their non-existent after-life sounds much better than the non-existent Christian one.
Maybe I can catch a ride with you...but I'm bringing my guitar.

yup. you can catch a ride with me. :p

ZZZ, no virgins, brown-eyed or otherwise.
if you think the Muslim dogs have it better, feel free to practice Islam.
and yes, i plan to see Brother Kirk there.
yup. you can catch a ride with me. :p

ZZZ, no virgins, brown-eyed or otherwise.
if you think the Muslim dogs have it better, feel free to practice Islam.
and yes, i plan to see Brother Kirk there.

:lol: The day I "practice" any religion is, well, never. The only person I'd even consider praying to lately is to Christopher Hitchens for writing God is Not Great: How Relgion Poisons Everything

But I am just saying if you are going to believe in fairly tales for which no evidence exists, then why not delude yourself into thinking you'll get some virgins?

Also, no amount of "repentance" can change the fact that Brother Kirk was a horrible actor.
:lol: The day I "practice" any religion is, well, never. The only person I'd even consider praying to lately is to Christopher Hitchens for writing God is Not Great: How Relgion Poisons Everything

But I am just saying if you are going to believe in fairly tales for which no evidence exists, then why not delude yourself into thinking you'll get some virgins?

Also, no amount of "repentance" can change the fact that Brother Kirk was a horrible actor.

i wont argue that last part, but the beauty of it all is, God doesnt care about Brother Kirk's acting abilities.

let me guess... you were raised Catholic, right?
If I made it to the pearly gates and saw Kirk Cameron there, Id ask St.Michael to give me a swift boot to the ass straight to hell.
:lol: The day I "practice" any religion is, well, never. The only person I'd even consider praying to lately is to Christopher Hitchens for writing God is Not Great: How Relgion Poisons Everything

But I am just saying if you are going to believe in fairly tales for which no evidence exists, then why not delude yourself into thinking you'll get some virgins?

Also, no amount of "repentance" can change the fact that Brother Kirk was a horrible actor.

That sounds about right:lol:

"In Heaven, all the interesting people are missing." F. Nietzsche
If I made it to the pearly gates and saw Kirk Cameron there, Id ask St.Michael to give me a swift boot to the ass straight to hell.

if you make it to Heaven and you're worried about who else might be there, you're in the wrong place, anyway. :err:
:lol: The day I "practice" any religion is, well, never. The only person I'd even consider praying to lately is to Christopher Hitchens for writing God is Not Great: How Relgion Poisons Everything

But I am just saying if you are going to believe in fairly tales for which no evidence exists, then why not delude yourself into thinking you'll get some virgins?

Also, no amount of "repentance" can change the fact that Brother Kirk was a horrible actor.

How is that book?
i wont argue that last part, but the beauty of it all is, God doesnt care about Brother Kirk's acting abilities.

let me guess... you were raised Catholic, right?

No, I was baptized Orthodox Christian. Thankfully, though, I wasn't really raised in any religious tradition. So like as Hitchens describes in his book I realized at an early age that religion and the idea of God are totally absurd.