How does Sun Caged sound like?

I don't want to be a prick but shouldn't that question be:" What does SC sound like? " :)

And I second the advice given by Havermout.
They will blow you away once you hear the songs available for download. They don't sound like any other band, they are a fresh blow of progressive metal IMO.
it depends... what I like with you guys is the fact that you have balls for a prog band, balls that a band like DT seriously lacks. I feel no spontaneousness in their songs (except a few in F2), but you guys sound fresh and have some rumbling riffs there: Marcel, keep your sevens going! :)
mcoenen said:
Vehemence -> is your friend Hanneke (she devil) for instance ? If so she did the lights at our cd release party :) I know her very well since she is a guitar student of mine

o_O man, you have WAY too much women around you, now its time to get some MEN... :guh:
