How exactly does Warrel pronounce his name?


Nevermore Lover
Feb 20, 2006
Hopefully this isn't too stupid a question. But I've always assumed that it was pronounced war - el . But I suppose it could rhyme with barrel or even war-rel . Please don't flame..... I don't know for sure and I'd like to. Seems I should know how to pronounce my favorite singer's name....
Kinda surprised there are so many variations - kinda thought I'd be laughed right out of the forums... I'm still leaning towards " 'war' - 'l' " , myself. Although 'war' - 'rel' is a valid possibility. I've always considered the first syllable to have the stress, not the second. Anyone here know for certain?
warrel like quarrel - yea, kinda like that pronunciation. Quick and curt - sounds angrier and more aggressive, like Nevermore themselves.
Decadancer said:
Because I'm a strine I pronounce it 'Wozza'.

I might just add that Kryptonians would pronounce it 'War-El'
that's how we would pronounce it in Quebec

omg we're Kryptonians!:loco: