How exactly does Warrel pronounce his name?

hangtime said:
It's like quarrel for sure,I know cause I've met him a handful of times and because I've heard band members say it like quarrel :grin:

Was that Warrel up above saying so too (aka sentient 6 :OMG:

Where in MA are you?
Sentient 6 = Warrel Dane?
Warrel Dane = my favorite singer/songwriter of all-time
I am honored that you saw fit to post in my thread; if indeed you are he, and not someone else entirely
hangtime said:
Worcester ,where are you :grin:

to the above poster ,Warrel is indeed probably my favorite songwriter also and I believe it is he. EDIT - it is he for sure ,read his other posts

New Bedford, a shithole if there ever was one. You're lucky to be so close to all of the great shows in the area!
This is like where I live...nobody knows how to pronounce "Louisville." There's even a neon sign downtown that reads something like this:


Now whoever tells me the one that's closest to the correct pronunciation gets a cookie :p