How fucking great are this band...?

Graveless Soul

Tranquility Personified
Jun 8, 2001
I'm sorry, I've just walked home from the pub and I'm pissed!!!!!

Listening to My Arms Your Hearse & REALISING just how damn good these geniouses actually are.....

I've realised this obviously before, but Alcohol gives it that greater scale ;)
Demonspell's Original Opethian Drinking Game

Every time when Mikael begins a clean passage, drink...every time an acoustic guitar appears only to be quickly buried, drink. Every time a jazz-inflected rhythm appears, drink. Every time you notice a production or musical error, drink (I wonder if anyone will still be standing at the end of Orchid!). Every time a season or living thing other than the narrator is mentioned in the lyrics, drink.
You just have to find astute Opethians to play it with.. There IS an Opeth section at the nearby HMV, and it's not FULL.. so someone in this city has to have 'em..

But I think alcohol+Opeth just makes you move more.. makes you feel it more. Have yet to try it on something other than alcohol.......

Every time you hear a solo that you are 100% sure is Peter's, drink. Every time you hear Martin's bass in the foreground, drink. Every time Mikael mourns a lost loved one, drink (by the time MAYH ends, your blood alcohol level will be triple what killed John Bonham!). Every time a song title is mentioned, including partially (except for "the" and "of"), drink.

great great. Its interesting how intelligent music interracts with the not-so-intelligent state of mind that alcohol creates. Hard to concentrate, but when you do, it gives it a whole new atmosphere